Software Catalog
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- Benchmark and Example Programs
- Adaptive Computing Systems Benchmarks
- Bench++
- BYTE Unix Benchmark
- BYTEMark
- C3I Benchmark
- Dhrystone
- FFT Benchmark
- Fhourstone Benchmark
- Fibonacci Benchmark
- Flops Benchmark
- Hanoi Benchmarks
- Heapsort Benchmark
- HINT (Hierarchical INTegration Benchmarking)
- Linpack
- LMBENCH Suite of simple, portable benchmarks that compare different systems performance
- MacBench
- NPB NAS Parallel Benchmarks
- NSieve Benchmark
- Parkbench
- Queens Benchmark
- Shuffle Benchmark
- Sim Benchmark
- The Benchmark Factory 97
- The ctcm Mainboard Benchmark
- WinBench
- WinStone
- I/O
- NetBench
- ServerBench
- WinBench
- WinStone
- Memory
- BYTEMark
- HINT (Hierarchical INTegration Benchmarking)
- MacBench
- The ctcm Mainboard Benchmark
- WinBench
- WinStone
- Miscellaneous
- BatteryMark
- GPC Benchmark Code
- HINT (Hierarchical INTegration Benchmarking)
- MacBench
- NetBench
- NetPerf
- Real-Time Benchmark
- ServerBench
- The PostScript Processing Speed Test
- WebStone Silicon Graphics
- WinBench
- WinStone
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Compressible Fluids
- Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis (ADINA) an integrated system used for the analysis of structures and fluid flows
- Inviscid
- Viscous
- FIDAP a general-purpose software package for the simulation of incompressible or compressible flows, with particular strength for applications in the materials processing field
- Incompressible Fluids
- Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis (ADINA) an integrated system used for the analysis of structures and fluid flows
- FIDAP a general-purpose software package for the simulation of incompressible or compressible flows, with particular strength for applications in the materials processing field
- Inviscid
- Viscous
- Non-Newtonian Fluids
- FIDAP a general-purpose software package for the simulation of incompressible or compressible flows, with particular strength for applications in the materials processing field
- Others
- Flow Analysis Software Toolkit (FAST) a software environment for analyzing Computational Fluid Dynamics data, and other kinds of data.
- FLOW-3D a general purpose CFD software package capable of simulating a wide variety of fluid flows
- Data Analysis and Visualization
- AHPCRC Graphics Software: Bob
- AVS5
- CrossGraphs
- Data Explorer Repository
- elVis an interactive system for the visualization of unsteady flow
- Geomview
- Gnuplot
- Khoros Pro
- MasPar Routines for Grayscale Mathematical Morphology
- NCAR Graphics
- ParVox 1.0 ParVox Project
- PGPLOT is a Fortran- or C-callable, device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs
- Rayshade
- SciAn Scientific Visualization Packag
- Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment
- UFAT Unsteady Flow Analysis Toolkit
- Vis5D is a system for interactive visualization of large 5-D gridded data sets such as those produced by numerical weather models
- Visual3
- VolPack Volume Rendering Library
- XGraph
- Distributed Processing Tools
- ACE - The Adaptive Communication Environment object-oriented network programming toolkit
- Autopilot is a flexible infrastructure for real-time adaptive control of parallel and distributed computing resources
CODINE - COmputing in DIstributed Network job queueing system for heterogeneous networked environments
Computing Center Software (CCS) CCS is a Metacomputer Management Software. It provides a homogeneous interface to a network of MPP systems.
Condor for executing batch type jobs on workstations which would otherwise be idle
- CUMULVS a software infrastructure for the development of collaborative environments
Distributed Job Manager (DJM) job scheduling system for MPPs
Distributed Queueing System (DQS) management tool to aid in computational resource distribution across a network
- far for exploitation of spare capacity in networks of Unix
Generic NQS Supports queueing and routing of processes on single compute servers and workstation clusters
- Hector (HEterogeneous Computing Task allocatOR) Hector is designed to run MPI parallel programs on multiple workstations.
- Infosphere Infrastructure (II) distributed system framework in Java that provides a generic object model and a variety of messaging models
Load Balancer automatic queueing and distribution of jobs across heterogeneous UNIX networks
LoadLeveler job scheduler for cluster of workstations and/or mutli-processor machines
- NetSolve is a network enabled computing paradigm that is based upon a combination of client-server strategies, machine-independent entities, lightweight and flexible problem mapping, and load balancing schemes.
- Network Queueing Environment (NQE) job management environment for heterogeneous UNIX workstation networks
- PCS - Production Control System The Resource Allocation and Control (RAC) subsystem supports resource allocation to organizations and controls access to resources.
Portable Batch System (PBS) batch processing system for heterogeneous computing networks
Prospero Resource Manager (PRM) supports allocation of processing resources in large distributed systems
QBATCH queued batch processing system for UNIX
Task Broker for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations distributes computational tasks among heterogeneous UNIX-based computer systems
- WebSumit for running supercomputer applications via the Web
- WebTerm VT100 Terminal Emulator and Telnet Client workstations
- Grid Generation
- Hexahedral
- Structured
- CFD-GEOM an interactive CAD type geometry creation and fast grid generation (structured, unstructured and hybrid grids) program
- GENIE++ generates three-dimensional, structured, multi-block grids
- Gridgen a solid, very functional hexahedral grid generation program tailored to block-structured grids
- GridPro Extensive grid editing features for clustering, parametric design changes, and insertion/deletion of geometry.
- GUM-B A new multiblock structured grid generation system has been created for the CFS System II
- ICEM CFD a new approach in hexahedral grid generation where many of the time-consuming interactive operations most often performed by experts are automated
- Unstructured
- Cubit a two- and three-dimensional finite element mesh generation tool which is being developed to pursue the goal of robust and unattended mesh generation---effectively automating the generation of quadrilateral and hexahedral elements
- Hexar an automatic mesh-generation software application package developed by the Cray Research, Inc.
- METIS is a set of programs for partitioning graphs and for producing fill reducing orderings for sparse matrices
- TrueGrid a computer program used to tessellate a geometric model into hexahedron brick elements and quadrilateral shell elements
- VGRID a robust, user-friendly computer program for the generation of three-dimensional unstructured (triangular surface and tetrahedral volume) grids in geometrically complex domains
- Miscellaneous
- ACE/gredit a semi-automatic finite element grid generator designed to
- ADMesh a program for processing triangulated solid meshes.
- Chaco a suite of algorithms for decomposing grids and assigning the pieces to processors
- CSCMDO a general purpose multi-block three-dimensional volume grid generator which is suitable for Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization
- EasyMesh A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator
- gridpak a grid making package
- GridTool an interactive program for grid/geometry applications
- HAMAC an interactive software package for assisting the mesh generation process
- JOSTLE a software package designed to partition unstructed meshes (for example, finite element or finite volume meshes) for use on distributed memory parallel computers
- Overture a class library that can be used to easily write efficient programs in C++ to solve partial differential equations in complicated domains
- QUIKGRID 3-D rendering of a surface represented by scattered data points
- Tiger a grid generation software that exclusively generates three-dimensional, structured grids for all classes of turbomachines with external, internal, and external-internal flow fields
- Quadrilateral
- EMC2 a portable, interactive and graphic software edition of two dimensional geometry and mesh.
- Tetrahedral
- HOMARD carries out the adaptation of 2D/3D meshes by refinement and unrefinement techniques
- NETGEN an automatic 2D and 3D mesh generation system based on the advancing front method
- QMG does finite element mesh generation in two and three dimensions
- Structured
- Unstructured
- Adlib an unstructured tetrahedral mesh generator
- FELISA An Unstructured Volume Grid Generator and Inviscid Flow Solution Package
- GEOMESH a software tool for generating, editing and optimizing multi-material unstructured finite element grids (triangles and tetrahedra)
- HyperMesh a high performance finite element pre- and post-processor that enables engineers to quickly and efficiently create finite element and finite difference models for engineering simulation and analysis
- LaGriT (Los Alamos Grid Toolbox) an unstructured grid generation and optimization software package
- Mesh-Maker a comparatively simple program for generating unstructured meshes over a pre-specified orography
- Parallel Simulation User Environment (PSUE) provides the capability for rapid solution of highly diverse computational field simulation problems through the use of unstructured grid technology
- SolidMesh an unstructured grid generation system that is being developed at the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Computational Field Simulation (CFS) at Mississippi State University
- Triangular
- EMC2 a portable, interactive and graphic software edition of two dimensional geometry and mesh.
- FELISA An Unstructured Volume Grid Generator and Inviscid Flow Solution Package
- GAMAG A new, fast and easy-to-use 2D mesh generator, especially desinged to handle complex geometries
- HOMARD carries out the adaptation of 2D/3D meshes by refinement and unrefinement techniques
- NETGEN an automatic 2D and 3D mesh generation system based on the advancing front method
- Preproc is a 2D Mesh Generation program
- Qhull a general dimension code for computing convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams
- QMG does finite element mesh generation in two and three dimensions
- Super Delaunay (SD) is a fully dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation engine
- UGRID features fast generation of 2D unstructured, structured, and hybrid meshes about airfoils and circles
- Miscellaneous
- //ELLPACK problem solving environment for PDE based applications
- DAGH - Distributed Adaptive Grid Hierarchy provides the framework to solve systems of partial differential equations using adaptive finite difference methods.
- Diffpack the ojbect-oriented toolkit for numerical solution of PDEs
- DOUG - Domain decomposition On Unstructured Grids a black box parallel iterative solver for finite element systems arising from elliptic partial differential equations.
- MODULEF finite element library
- MUDPACK a collection of vectorized portable Fortran 77/90 subprograms which efficiently solve linear elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) using multigrid iteration
- Parallel Print Function merges and identifies the output from multiple nodes in a parallel program.
- Unstructured Grids (UG) for the adaptive multigrid solution of partial differential equations
- VECFEM - VECtorized Finite Element Method for solution of nonlinear PDEs
- Numerical Programs and Routines
- Matpar Parallel Extensions to Matlab
- PETSc portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
- Graph and mesh partitioning
- CHACO software for partitioning and ordering graphs
- GEOMPACK for generation of finite element meshes using geometric algorithms
- GRUMMP (Generation and Refinement of Unstructured Mixed-Element Meshes in Parallel) automatic mesh generation software for unstructured meshes with mixed element types
- JOSTLE mesh partitioning software
- METIS unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system
- ParMETIS A Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Library
- PARTY graph partitioning library
- PMHS - 3D Parallel Multigrid Helmholtz Solver See Abstract
- PPGP A Parallel Partitioner for Unstructured Grids and Random Particles
- SCOTCH Static Mapping and Graph Partitioning Package for mapping a weighted source process graph onto a weighted target architecture graph
- Triangle a 2D finite element mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator
- Linear algebra
- ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algrebra Software) is an approach for the automatic generation and optimization of numerical software for processors with deep memory hierarchies and pipelined functional units.
Aztec a parallel iterative library for solving sparse linear systems
- BLACS Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms
- BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) building blocks for constructing efficient and portable linear algebra software for high-performance computers.
- Blitz++ Scientific Computing in C++
- BlockSolve for solution of large, sparse linear systems on massively parallel computers
- BNALib A BASIC Numerical Analysis Library
- CAPSS sparse direct linear systems software
- Complex Dense Linear Solver None Available
- Elegant Mathematics Iterative Solvers preconditioners and iterative methods for solving very large linear systems
- f2j Fortran to Java converter
- GAMS D1b6. Matrix Multiplication scalable implementation of common matrix multiplication operations
- General Purpose Solver (GPS) high performance solvers for linear systems of equations that arise from structural engineering, electromagnetics, and other scientific and engineering applications
- GMRES for real and complex, single and double precision arithmetics suitable for serial, shared memory and distributed memory computers
- IML++ (Iterative Methods Library) a C++ templated library of modern iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations
- Intel Performance Library Suite a set of libraries optimized for Intel processors addressing linear algebra, signal processing, and speech and character recognition requirements.
- LAPACK is a library of numerical linear algebra subroutines designed for high performance on workstations, vector computers, and shared memory multiprocessors
- LASPack for solving large sparse systems of linear equations such as those arising from discretization of partial differential equations
- NIST Sparse BLAS computational kernels for fundamental sparse matrix operations
- P-SPARSLIB a portable library of distributed memory sparse iterative solvers
Parallel Iterative Methods (PIM) Package a collection of Fortran 77 routines designed to solve systems of linear equations (SLEs) on parallel computers using a variety of iterative methods.
- PARPACK for solving large scale eigenvalue problems on distributed memory parallel architectures
- PARPRE parallel preconditioners for large sparse iterative solvers
PCG - parallel Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient package for solving sparse linear systems by iterative methods on scalar, vector, and parallel computers
- PETSc portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
- PLAPACK - Parallel Linear Algebra Package MPI based package for building dense linear algebra libraries
- PSPASES (Parallel Sparse Symmetric Direct Solver Library) scalable parallel direct solver library for sparse symmetric positive definite linear systems
- Scalable Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (sB_BLAS) scalable implementation of common matrix-matrix operations
- ScaLAPACK dense linear algebra routines for distributed memory computers
- SPARSE a set of C procedures for solving large sparse real or complex linear systems.
SparseLib++ class library for efficient sparse matrix computations across various computational platforms
- SparsLinC to support the computation of linear combinations of sparse vectors for single and double precision real and complex types.
- SPLIB library of sparse iterative solvers, with preconditioners, for rapid prototyping of solvers for nonsymmetric linear systems of equations
- Spooles for solving sparse linear systems of equations
- SuperLU_MT parallel sparse Gaussian Elimination for shared memory machines
- SYmmetric Invariant Subspace Decomposition Approach (SYISDA) eigensolver package or finding all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric diagonalizable matrices in parallel
- Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods a description of a general algorithm rather than the executable object code or the source code more commonly found in a conventional software library.
- UMFPACK Unsymmetric-pattern Multifrontal Package
- Miscellaneous
- 3DFFT To provide Fortran routines for performing three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms in parallel on multiple processors.
- ADIC a tool for the automatic differentiation of programs written in ANSI C.
- ADIFOR automatic differentiation of Fortran codes
- ExacMath is a math library that supports real and complex arithmetic with three floating point data types.
- FFTW fast, free C FFT library including real, multidimensional, and parallel transforms
- Parallel Genetic Algorithm Library (PGAPack) a general-purpose, data-structure-neutral, parallel genetic algorithm library.
- Parallel Software for Implicit Differential Equations (PSIDE) is a Fortran 77 code for solving implicit differential equations on shared memory parallel computers.
- Parallel Sorting by Regular Sampling (PSRS) three implementations of a parallel sort using the algorithm of Parallel Sorting by Regular Sampling
- ParSODES a parallel stiff ODE solver
- PseudoPack for numerical differentiation by pseudospectral methods
- RAPID integrates automatic scheduling techniques and efficient communication schemes for irregular task computations with mixed granularities on message-passing distributed memory machines.
- SPRNG a set of libraries for scalable and portable pseudorandom number generation
- V_SQRT A Library Routine for Computing Square Roots of Double-Precision Vectors on CRAY
- Optimization
- BNALib A BASIC Numerical Analysis Library
- COOOL -- CWP Object Oriented Optimization Library collection of C++ class libraries for handling mathematical optimization problems
- CUTE - Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment The Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment (CUTE) is a suite of Fortran subroutines, scripts and test problems for linear and nonlinear optimization.
- MINPACK-2 optimization software for high performance computers
- PDS direct search methods for unconstrained optimization
- PDEs
- Parallel Processing Tools
- PARAMESH PARAMESH: Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Pyramid Pyramid: A Library for Parallel Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Communication Libraries
- Active Messages substrate for building libraries that provide higher-level communication abstractions
- BSPlib Implementations of BSPlib,with parallel performance profiling and debugging tools.
- C Region Library (CRL) an all-software distributed shared memory system for message-passing multicomputers and distributed systems
- CDS1-Cooperative Data Sharing System a portable parallel communications library
- Interprocessor Collective Communications Library (iCC) high performance implementations of collective communication calls
- LAM - Local Area Multicomputer MPI implementation for workstation clusters
- Legion will enable fault-tolerance, wide area parallel processing, inter-operability, heterogeneity, a single file name space, protection, security, efficient scheduling, and comprehensive resource management.
- Midway software-based distributed shared memory system
- MPICH A Portable Implementation of MPI
- Object Oriented MPI (OOMPI) a class library specification that encapsulates the functionality of MPI into a functional class hierarchy to provide a simple, flexible, and intuitive interface.
- PARDI optimised message passing and network resource tool for parallel applications running on Windows and UNIX
- PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) software system that enables a collection of heterogeneous computers to be used as a coherent and flexible concurrent computational resource.
- TreadMarks distributed shared memory system for networks of workstations
- Unify subset of MPI built on top of PVM
- Execution and Performance Analyzers (including debuggers)
AIMS - An Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System a software toolkit that facilitates performance evaluation of parallel applications on multiprocessors
- Carnival for measurement and prediction of parallel program performance
- Chiron for visualization of performance behavior of shared memory multiprocessors
- DIMEMAS performance prediction tool for message-passing programs
- DiskSim an efficient, accurate, highly-configurable disk system simulator
Distributed Array Query and Visualization (DAQV) for HPF The tool offers user-level access to and visualization of distributed arrays in a parallel program by leveraging the parallel compiler and runtime systems, and implementing key tool components at the parallel language level.
- DPV, the Data-Parallel Visualizer a model for data-parallel program visualization and debugging
- Falcon Monitoring and Steering System set of tools that collectively support on-line program monitoring and steering of parallel and distributed applications.
- Griffith University Relative Debugger (GUARD) allows a user to test a program by comparing data structures between the debugged code and a reference version.
Lightweight Corefile Browser offers a global, high-level view of the program's state when it is terminated.
- Mantis Parallel Debugger for the Splict-C language
Message Queue Manager parallel debugging interface for examining the state of an application's message passing
MPP-Apprentice performance analysis tool for programs employing the data parallel or message-passing programming tools available on the Cray T3D.
- NTV - The NAS Trace Visualizer a trace visualization tool
Nupshot performance visualization tool for MPI
- P2D2 - A Portable Parallel/Distributed Debugger P2D2 is a debugger for parallel and distributed computations
Pablo performance analysis environment for performance data capture, analysis, and presentation
Pangaea debugging tool for heterogeneous distributed PVM applications
- Panorama retargetable, extensible graphical parallel debugger
Paradyn Parallel Performance Tool The Paradyn Parallel Program Performance Tools project is exploring new approaches to building scalable tools for parallel program performance.
ParaGraph graphical display system for visualizing the performance of message-passing parallel programs
- PDT Parallel Debugging Tool part of the Annai tool environment for HPF and MPI programming
- PGPVM2 an enhancement package for PVM 3.3 that produces trace files for use with standard ParaGraph.
- PMA Performance Monitor and Analyzer part of the Annai tool environment for HPF and MPI programming
- PVaniM an enhancement package for PVM 3.3 that produces animations of the execution of PVM applications
- S-Check NIST's tool for assaying and improving performances of parallel programs.
- TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) visual programming and performance analysis environment for pC++
TotalView Debugger The TotalView debugger is a source-level, window-oriented, multiprocess debugger
- TraceInvader for debugging distributed applications
Upshot visualization tool for post-mortem analysis of parallel program log files
- UTE Unified Trace Environment for IBM SP Systems a unified trace environment designed to generate, analyze, and visualize trace events for applications running on IBM Scalable Parallel systems.
VAMPIR Visualization and Analysis of MPI Resources
- VIPP performance visualization tool for visualizing data partitioning tradeoffs in 2-d particle methods
Visualization Tool (VT) Execution Analysis on the IBM SP2
- WARTS: Wisconsin Architectural Research Tool Set for profiling and tracing programs and analyzing program traces
Xmdb parallel debugger for PVM 3.3 with automatic race detection and execution replay capabilties.
XMPI A Run/Debug GUI for MPI
- XPDB - X Windows Parallel DeBugger Graphic debugger.
XPVM A Graphical Console and Monitor for PVM
- Operating System and Kernel Support
- AMOEBA a powerful microkernel-based system that turns a collection of workstations or single-board computers into a transparent distributed system.
- MILLIPEDE a small yet powerful interface for Virtual Parallel Machines (VPMs) on top of distributed computing environments.
- MOSIX (MO6) kernel enhancements of Linux for cluster computing
- Parallel I/O Systems
- Galley parallel file system for networks of workstations and parallel supercomputers
- Panda Array I/O Library an array I/O library that supports high performance array I/O operations and provides efficient array storage
- Parallel Sequential File IO Library (PSF) high performance I/O library for sequential files on the SGI/Cray Origin 2000
- PASSION - Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output targeted for I/O intensive out-of -core loosely synchronous problems.
- PIOUS parallel I/O system for PVM 3
- PMPIO a portable implementation of the MPI-IO interface
- PPFS - Portable Parallel File System a parallel I/O library, to explore the design space for scalable I/O systems.
- ROMIO a high-performance, portable implementation of MPI-IO
- TPIE (Transparent Parallel I/O Environment) is designed to bridge thegap between the theory and practice of parallel I/O systems
- Parallel Programming Environments
- CODE visual parallel programming system
- Concert portable, concurrent object-oriented parallel programming system
- Enterprise template-based parallel programming environment
- GLU (Granular Lucid) high-level graph-based hybrid parallel programming toolkit
- Linda Program Builder a higher-level programming environment that supports the design and development of parallel software.
- mpC Tool for high-performance computing on heterogeneous networks of computers
- NIST Parallel Applications Development Environment (PADE) to facilitate development of parallel applications for heterogeneous networked computers
- Synergy an effective parallel programming platform using distributed computers.
- The D System a set of tools for development, debugging, and performance tuning of data-parallel Fortran programs
- Virtue a collaborative virtual environment for data visualization
- VPE (Visual Parallel Programming Environment) an integrated parallel computing environment with a message-passing orientation.
- Parallel Programming Languages and Compilers
- ADAPTOR (Automatic DAta Parallelism TranslaTOR transforms data parallel programs into Fortran 77 or Fortran 90
- CHARM a machine independent parallel programming system.
- Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) CAPTools has been developed primarily for the parallelisation of Computational Mechanics codes for DMS.
- HPFPlus The HPFPlus compiler provides a true production-quality compilation system for parallel applications.
- Jade Parallel Programming Language shared memory model for distributed memory machines
- Mentat object-oriented parallel programming language and runtime system
- mpC Tool for high-performance computing on heterogeneous networks of computers
- NESL to make parallel programming easy and portable.
- Opus coordination language for multidisciplinary applications
- Paradigm parallelizing compiler for distributed memory multicomputers
- Parafrase-2 vectorizing/parallelizing compiler for shared memory multiprocessors
- Parallaxis data parallel programming language for machine-independent SIMD programming, based on Modula-2
- pC++ portable data-parallel C++
- Polaris automatic parallelization of Fortran programs
- Proteus an executable high-level architecture-independent parallel programming notation
- PSI Compiler performs algebraic reductions on array expressions
- Sisal functional parallel programming lanuage
- The CC++ Parallel Programming Language a parallel programming language based on the C++ programming language.
- The SUIF Compiler System an infrastructure for research on parallelizing and optimizing compilers
- ZPL a machine-independent data parallel array based language
- Parallel Programming Libraries
- AWESIME: A Widely Extensible SIMulations Environment for parallel process-oriented simulation
- CHAOS runtime library for parallelizing Fortran and C programs with irregular data access patterns
- DDLIB - Data Distribution Library automatic data distribution and redistribution of 2D arrays for MIMD architectures.
- DOME for programming heterogeneous networks of computers as a single computing resource
- Global Arrays provides an efficient and portable shared-memory programming interface for distributed-memory computers
- KeLP (Kernel Lattice Parallelism) C++ class library for managing distributed data structures in adaptive mesh and uniform mesh applications
- Multiblock PARTI runtime library for parallelizing multiple structured grid (multiblock and multigrid) applications written in Fortran and C
- Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications (POOMA)Framework a C++ class library for data-parallel programming of scientific applications
- PGLIB A Library of Partial Global Operations in Parallel Architecture
- Parallel Runtime Systems
- Chant A Talking Threads Package
- Converse runtime system for interoperable languages
- Nexus Nexus services provide direct support for light-weight threading, address space management, communication, and synchronization
- SAM Distributed Shared Memory System a run-time system that supports a shared name space in software on distributed-memory multiprocessors.
- Scientific and Engineering Applications
- 3D Acoustic Wave Propagation
- 4D2, visualization tool for computational fluid dynamics data
- ALE3D An Arbitrary Lagrange/Eulerian 3D Code System
- ASA (Adaptive Simulated Annealing)
- BATSRUS (Version 1) BATSRUS Heliosphere Modeling Code (Version 1)
- BATSRUS (Version 2) BATSRUS Heliosphere Modeling Code (Version 2)
- CCP3 Program Library for calculation of surface properties
- CCP4 - Computational Collaborative Project in protein crystallog raphy
- CCP5 - Computational Collaborative Project for computer simulatio n of condensed phases
- CCP6 - Collaborative Computational Project in heavy particle dyna mics
- CCP7 - Collaborative Computational Project for the analysis of as tronomical spectra ccp7
- CHAMMP - Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics
- CLAWPACK -- Conservation LAWs software PACKage
- Computer Simulation of Nuclear Well Logging Tools
- Cosmological Simulations Using Adaptive Particle-Mesh Methods
- CRUNCH3D.T3D CRUNCH3D.T3D: A Three-Dimensional Explicit Compressible Viscoresistive Magnetohydrodynamics Code
- CRUNCH3D.T3E CRUNCH3D.T3E: A Three-Dimensional Explicit Compressible Viscoresistive Magnetohydrodynamics Code
- ddcon2d
- DPMTA - Distributed Parallel Multipole Tree Algorithms
- DYNA3D - Crash Simulation
- FCT - Flux-Corrected Transport
- FCTMHD3D.T3D FCTMHD3D.T3D: A Three-Dimensional Explicit Finite Volume Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics Code
- FCTMHD3D.T3E FCTMHD3D.T3E: A Three-Dimensional Explicit Finite Volume Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics Code
- Financial Modeling
- GR3D General Relativistic Astrophysics GR3D Code (Version 1)
- Gravitational Wave Extraction
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Code
- HEATING - A Multidimensional Finite-Difference Heat Conduction Code
- High-Performance Global Climate Modeling
- MGFLO (Version 3.5) MGFLO: Scalable Parallel Finite Element Computations of Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni Fluid Problems in a Microgravity Environment
- Models And Counter-Examples (MACE)
- MPS MPS: MHD Pseudo-Spectral
- namd - Not (just) Another Molecular Dynamics program
- NonEuclid
- Otter
- Parallel Direct Vector Quantization (VQ) and LBG algorithms
- ParaModtran Parallel Modtran Project
- PCCM2.1
- PEREGRINE - Medical Applications of Monte Carlo Methods
- PMTA - Parallel Multipole Tree Algorithms
- PPMC PPMC: University of Colorado (Brummell-Clune) F-plane Compressible Magnetoconvection Code
- PSAS Physical-space Statistical Analysis System
- Quantum Chemical Simulations of Doped Aerogels as Catalysts
- S4 (Version 1) Scalable SAR Software Suite (Version 1)
- S4 (Version 2) Scalable SAR Software Suite (Version 2)
- sph1d - One Dimensional Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
- ST3D Spacetime Evolution ST3D Code (Version 1)
- TERRA (Version 1) TERRA Planetary Mantle and Lithospheric Dynamics Model (Version 1)
- TERRA (Version 2) TERRA Planetary Mantle and Lithospheric Dynamics Model (Version 2)
- TIPSY - Theoretical Image Processing System
- UCSF MidasPlus
- Uncoupled AGCM-OGCM Uncoupled Atmospheric-Oceanic General Circulation Model
- VH-1, implementation of piecewise parabolic method
- Virtualized ANSI C Macros for Finite Volume and Finite Element Simulations
- VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics
- XMol - X Window System molecule viewer and format converter
This catalog was generated Thr Jul 8 16:07:01 1999 using Repository In a Box (RIB) version 1.2
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