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VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics

VMD is a molecular graphics program designed for the interactive visualization of bioppolymers such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids and membranes. Its features include: Molecular visualization - it can read PDB and X-PLOR PSF files or automatically call Babel for translation of other types. Parts of molecule can be selected and rendered in multiple styles including licorice, ribbons, and van der Waal spheres. Stereo displays are supported. Raster outputs are available though ray tracing packages like Raster3D. Visualization of dynamics molecular data - VMD can read and animate DCD files or acquire the timestep information from a running molecular dynamics program. The only supported program is namd (see Display and control of molecular dynamics simulations - VMD is the visualization component of the MDScope project which will allow for user directed molecular simulations. Support for several input and display devices - these include the UNC tracker library for spatial trackers and the CAVE library for use in many stereo environments. Easy to modify and extend -- the source code is documented and a Programmers guide exists for thos wishing to modify the C++ code. VMD uses the Tcl script language which allows for the creation of loops, functions, and other control structures as well as being extensible in its own right.
Thr Sep 25 16:35:55 1997
Scientific and Engineering Applications
VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics
Requires GL or NPGL, though we are porting to OpenGL. Binaries available for SGIs running IRIX 5.x. Source code is in C++ and compiles on vendor compilers for SGI and HP. lex and yacc also needed. Not yet tested with gcc. Highly suggested compiling along with FORMS and Tcl. Additional optional interfaces include Babel, Raster3D, Rayshade, POV-Ray, the CAVE, and the UNC tracker library.
Bill Humphrey

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