WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Communicating Process Architectures - 2002

Provisional Timetable

Sunday, 15th. September, 2002
 18:00-19:30  Registration Windsor Hall
 18:00-19:30  Dinner Windsor Hall
 20:00-22:00  Fringe Sessions (I and II)   (and late Registration) Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 22:00-24:00  Late Bar   (and late Registration) Windsor Hall
Monday, 16th. September, 2002
 09:15-09:30 Introduction and Welcome
James Pascoe
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 09:30-10:30 Invited Talk:
How to SPIN (to analyse real-life CPAs)
Theo C. Ruys, University of Twente
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee and Registration Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Common Room
 11:00-11:40 Prioritised Dynamic Communicating Processes - Part I  (p 321)
Fred Barnes and Peter Welch
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 11:40-12:10 Prioritised Dynamic Communicating Processes - Part II  (p 353)
Fred Barnes and Peter Welch
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:10-12:40 Performance Analysis and Behaviour Tuning for Optimisation of Communicating Systems  (p 181)
Mark Green and Ali E. Abdallah
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:40-14:00 Lunch Windsor Hall
 14:00-14:30 Semantics of prialt in Handel-C (tm)  (p 1)
Andrew Butterfield and Jim Woodcock
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 14:30-15:00 Reconnetics: A System for the Dynamic Implementation of Mobile Hardware Processes in FPGAs  (p 167)
Ralph Moseley
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 15:00-15:30 Configuration Discovery and Mapping of a Home Network  (p 191)
Keith Pugh
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 15:30-16:00 Tea/Coffee Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Common Room
 16:00-16:40 The "Honeysuckle" Programming Language: Event and Process  (p 285)
Ian East
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 16:40-17:10 Acceptances, Behaviours and Infinite Activity in CSPP  (p 17)
Adrian Lawrence
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 17:10-17:40 HCSP: Imperative State and True Concurrency  (p 39)
Adrian Lawrence
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 18:30-20:00 Dinner Windsor Hall
 20:00-22:00 Fringe Sessions (III and IV) Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 22:00-24:00 Late Bar Windsor Hall
Tuesday, 17th. September, 2002
 09:15-09:50 The "Honeysuckle" Programming Language: Object and Protocol (p 301)
Ian East
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 09:50-10:30 On the Complexity of Buffer Allocation in Message Passing Systems  (p 79)
Alex Brodsky, Jan Bækgaard Pedersen and Alan Wagner
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Common Room
 11:00-11:30 Configurable Collective Communication in LAM-MPI  (p 123)
John Markus Bjorndalen, Otto J. Anshus, Tore Larsen and Brian Vinter
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 11:30-12:00 Java PastSet - A Structured Distributed Shared Memory System (p 97)
Kei Simon Pedersen and Brian Vinter
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:00-12:40 Synchronous Active Objects Introduce CSP's Primitives in Java  (p 109)
Claude Petitpierre
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:40-14:00 Lunch Windsor Hall
 14:00-14:40 A Predicate Transformer Semantics for a Concurrent Language of Refinement  (p 147)
Ana Cavalcanti and Jim Woodcock
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 14:40-15:20 View-Centric Reasoning for Linda and Tuple Space Computation  (p 223)
Marc L. Smith, Rebecca J. Parsons and Charles E. Hughes
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 15:20-15:50 Tea/Coffee Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Common Room
 15:50-16:30 Cache-Affinity Scheduling for Fine Grain Multithreading (p 135)
Kurt Debattista, Kevin Vella and Joseph Cordina
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 16:30-17.10 A Graphical Modeling Language for Specifying Concurrency based on CSP  (p 255)
Gerald Hilderink
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 17.20-18:20 Panel Session Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 18:30-19:00 Sherry Reception Park House (The University of Reading SCR)
 19:00-24:00 Conference Dinner and Late Bar Orange Room
Wednesday, 18th. September, 2002
 09:15-09:50 Implementing a Distributed Algorithm for Detection of Local Knots and Cycles in Directed Graphs (p 371)
Geraldo Pereira de Souza and Gerson Henrique Pfitscher
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 09:50-10:20 A Communicating Threads (CT) Case Study: JIWY  (p 311)
Dusko Jovanovic, Gerald Hilderink, Jan Broenink
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 10:20-10:50 Tea/Coffee Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Common Room
 10:50-11:20 Consolidating The Agreement Problem Protocol Verification Environment  (p 57)
James Pascoe and Roger Loader
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 11:20-12:00 Cluster Computing and JCSP Networking  (p 203)
Brian Vinter and Peter Welch
Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:00-12:30 WoTUG AGM and Conference Prizes Dpt. of Computer Science, Gordon Link Theatre
 12:30-14:00 Lunch Windsor Hall

Page last modified on 15th. August, 2002
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