Communicating Process Architectures - 2002
Sunday 15th. September (evening) through Wednesday 18th. September (lunchtime)
In association with:
Conference Themes and Goal
Communicating Process Architectures addresses many of the key issues
in modern computer science and practice. In broad terms, the conference
themes will concern concurrency - at all levels of software and
hardware granularity. The goal of the conference is to stimulate discussion
and ideas as to the role concurrency will play in the future generation
of scalable computer infrastructure and applications - where scaling
means the ability to ramp up functionality (i.e. stay in control
as complexity increases) as well as physical metrics (such as performance).
Traditionally, concurrency has been taught and considered and experienced
as an advanced and difficult topic. The thesis underlying this conference
is that this tradition is wrong. The natural world operates through the
continuous interaction of massive numbers of autonomous agents at all levels
of granularity (astronomic, human, sub-atomic). If modern computer science
finds concurrency hard, then it is probably not doing it right! It is time
for concurrency to mature into a simple discipline that can be used everyday
to simplify the way in which we do computing, as well as enhance
the performance of what we build.
Specific themes include, but are not limited to:
theory - getting the underlying model right (CSP, pi-calculus, channels,
monitors, semaphores, BSP, barriers, buckets...);
concurrent design patterns and tools (built upon the above);
safety and security issues (race-hazards, deadlock, livelock, process starvation,
language issues (Java(TM), CSP libraries for Java/C/C++,
occam(TM), Handel-C(TM), ...);
system issues (lightweight multithreading kernels, lightweight external
communications/interrupts, ...)
processor issues (instruction sets for zero-cost multithreading, VLIW,
multiprocessor chips, software cache control, ...)
specialised hardware issues (link and router technologies, FPGAs, ...);
shared-memory -v- message-passing paradigms (unification?), SMP and virtual
SMP architectures;
supercomputing from commodity components (cluster computing, internet grids,
applications: scientific (including graphics and GUIs), engineering (including
embedded, real-time and safety-critical), business (including mobile and
e-commerce) and home (including entertainment);
global architectural issues (vertical integration of all the above);
Conference Structure and Call for Participants
The 22 accepted papers will be presented
a single stream during the day, with (unplanned) fringe sessions
and/or (planned) tutorials in the evenings. One session will include a
meeting of the BCS Parallel Processing
Specialist Group. Normal sessions will not concentrate on particular themes
- except that closely related presentations will be kept together. The
aim is to create a workshop athmosphere with all participants engaging
in as much as possible, especially in talks that may appear to be outside
their immediate interests.
Submitted papers have been refereed by the Programme
Committee. The conference proceedings will be published by IOS Press
as part of their Concurrent Systems Engineering series. Selected papers
will be invited for further development and submission to a (CPA) Special
Edition of the IEE
Proceedings - Software, for journal publication in Spring 2003.
This conference is our Jubilee - the 25th. in the series of WoTUG conferences!
They have consistently proven to be a valuable meeting place for all those
interested in the problems and opportunities thrown up by parallel computing
and concurrency. The delegates and speakers reflect a wide spectrum of
disciplines - theoreticians, software engineers, hardware engineers, tool
builders and applications specialists - and we meet in a relaxed, exciting,
friendly and highly productive atmosphere ... often till very late the
next morning! All are very welcome.
Registration Fees
The registration fee is £330.00 sterling (no VAT chargeable). This
accommodation for the nights of the 15, 16, 17 September 2002;
all meals, starting with the evening meal on Sunday night, through to Wednesday
conference dinner;
one copy of the conference proceedings.
Please follow this link to register.
Proceedings on CD-ROM
Starting this year, the accepted papers will be made available in the published
proceedings and on a conference CD-ROM. The conference CD will be available
at CPA 2002 and from the wotug website
Submission of full papers |
Monday 10 June 2002 |
Tutorial / workshop proposals |
Monday 10 June 2002 |
Notification of acceptance |
Monday 8 July 2002 |
Submission of camera-ready copy |
Monday 22 July 2002 |
Student Bursaries
WoTUG is sponsoring a limited number of Student Bursaries, worth £100
sterling. To qualify, you must be registered as a student at a Higher Education
institution, not in receipt of a salary and obtain a supporting letter
from your academic supervisor. Please fax this to James Pascoe before you
register - you will be given a reference number to quote on your registration
form. The bursaries will be awarded in FIFO scheduling to qualifying
applicants until they run out.
Conference Chairs
James Pascoe
and Roger Loader
Department of Computer Science
The University of Reading
Tel: +44-118-9875123 ext. 7626
Fax: +44-118-9751994
Email: cpa2002@wotug.org
Vaidy Sunderam
Department of Math & Computer Science
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Tel: +1-404-727-7580
Programme Committee
Professor Peter Welch, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. (WoTUG Chair)
Dr. Alastair Allen, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Professor Hamid Arabnia, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA.
Richard Beton, Roke Manor Research Ltd., UK.
Professor Jan F. Broenink, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Dr. Alan Chalmers, University of Bristol, UK.
Professor Peter Clayton, Rhodes University, South Africa.
Dr. Barry Cook, 4Links Ltd., UK.
Ruth A. Ivimey-Cook, ARM Ltd., Cambridge, UK.
Christopher Jones, British Aerospace, Warton Aerodrome, UK.
Professor Jon Kerridge, Napier University, UK.
Dr. Tom Lake, InterGlossa, UK.
Dr. Adrian E. Lawrence, Loughborough University, UK.
Dr. Roger J. Loader, The University of Reading, UK.
Professor David May FRS, University of Bristol, UK.
Stephen Maudsley, Esgem Ltd, UK.
Dr. Majid Mirmehdi, University of Bristol, UK.
Dr. Henk Muller, University of Bristol, UK.
Professor Chris Nevison, Colgate University, New York, USA.
Professor Patrick Nixon, University of Strathclyde, UK.
Dr. Brian O'Neill, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
James Pascoe, The University of Reading, UK.
Dr. Roger Peel, University of Surrey, UK.
Professor Nan Schaller, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA.
Professor G. S. Stiles, Utah State University, Utah, USA.
Professor V. S. Sunderam, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Øyvind Teig, Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems, Trondheim, (KMSS),
Professor Rod Tosten, Gettysburg University, USA.
Dr. Stephen J Turner, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Professor Paul Tymann, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA.
Paul Walker, 4Links Ltd, UK.
Dr. Hugh Webber, QuinetiQ, Malvern, UK.
Professor Jim Woodcock, University of Kent at Cantebury, UK.
Published Proceedings
The Proceedings will be published by IOS
Press, Netherlands as part of the Concurrent
Systems Engineering Series (ISSN 1383-7575).
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