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  title = "{H}ardware for {T}ransputing without {T}ransputers",
  author= "Walker, C. P. H.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "1--10",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{D}ynamic {C}reation of {V}irtual {L}inks within {T}9000 {N}etworks",
  author= "Harrison, S. R. and Brown, Chris R.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "11--20",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{I}nterconnecting {R}emote {LAN}s via {P}ublic {D}ata {N}etworks by {H}igh {P}erformance {P}arallel {R}outers",
  author= "Lakkis, A. and J, L Jacquemin and Dumas, M.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "21--36",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{C}onflict {F}ree {H}ardware {R}outing for {C}ommunication {B}ound {A}pplications",
  author= "Craven, M. P. and Curtis, K. M. and Wilde, S. A. and O'Neill, Brian C. and Ellis, J. W.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "37--50",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{D}esign and {I}mplementation of {C}omplex {T}elecom {P}rocesses using {S}tate {M}achine {C}oncepts",
  author= "Matic, V.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "51--58",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{E}mulating a {S}ecure {M}ulticasting {B}us using occam 2.1",
  author= "Beckett, David J. and Welch, Peter H.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "59--74",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{A} {P}lug-in {D}isk-{I}nterface {P}rocess for the {WSQL} {D}ata {A}ccess {C}ontroller",
  author= "Kukla, R. and Kerridge, Jon",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "75--88",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{T}he {P}ara-{PC}, {A}n {A}nalysis",
  author= "Cook, Barry M. and Peel, Roger M. A.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "89--102",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{P}arallel {S}olution of {L}inear {ODE}s. {I}mplementation on {T}ransputer {N}etworks",
  author= "Mourney, G.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "103--112",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{M}emory {M}anagement {S}trategies for {P}arallel {V}olume {R}endering",
  author= "Chalmers, Alan G.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "113--126",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{G}aussian {P}yramidal {F}ast {F}iltering and {P}arallel {I}mplementation",
  author= "Leclercq, N. Tonfack E. and Faure, A.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "127--142",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{T}he {K}ent {R}etargettable occam {C}ompiler",
  author= "Wood, David C. and Welch, Peter H.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "143--166",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  abstract= "A generic approach to targeting occam to non-transputer
     architectures is described. The principle is to build a
     register-level emulation of the major design elements of the
     transputer, using native registers of the target hardware,
     and reuse the standard occam toolset compiler with as little
     alteration as possible. The porting effort thus reduces to
     an architectural mapping rather than involvement in the
     compiler and code-generator. An immediate payoff comes from
     reuse of a well-developed and sophisticated compiler. An
     important scientific question, with relevance to efficient
     and portable parallel computing, is whether the crucial
     benefits of transputer architecture (such as the very low
     overheads for the management of processes and events) can be
     transferred through such emulation. We report some initial
     results for SPARC-based targets."
  title = "{O}ccam for all - {T}wo {A}pproaches to {R}etargetting the {INMOS} {C}ompiler",
  author= "Poole, Michael D.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "167--178",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{I}mplementation of {KR}o{C} on {A}nalog {D}evices \"{SHARC}\" {DSP}",
  author= "Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P. and Otten, G. W. and Schwirtz, M. H. and Bruis, R. and Broenink, Jan F.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "179--190",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  abstract= "This paper summarises the experiences gained at the Control
     Laboratory of the University of Twente in porting the Kent
     Retargetable occam Compiler - KroC - to the Analog
     Devices’ ADSP21060 SHARC Digital Signal Processor. The
     choice of porting the KRoC to the DSP processor was in our
     view both a challenge and an absolute necessity because DSP
     processors are an important ingredient in modern day control
     systems. Currently, our implementation contains the most
     important occam primitives such as channel communication,
     PAR, ALT, and most of the integer arithmatic. Furthermore, a
     basic kernel was realised, providing channel-communication
     based scheduling only. This porting process, using quite
     straight-forward modifications of the SPARC KRoC-translator,
     was done within six weeks. A representative benchmark was
     constructed, showing that the 33Mhz SHARC-KRoC
     implementation is 40\% faster than the the 25Mhz T800 using
     the INMOS D7205 Toolset."
  title = "{SCOTT}: {T}he {S}outhampton {COFF} {T}ools for {T}ransputers",
  author= "Nicole, Denis A. and Sivaram, R.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "191--206",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{A} {S}oftware {D}evelopment {T}ool for {P}arallel and {D}istributed {S}ystems",
  author= "Stone, R. D. and Morse, D. R.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "207--220",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{T}he {S}ingle {R}esource {A}llocation {P}roblem: {P}arallel {A}lgorithms on {D}istributed {S}ystems",
  author= "Rodriguez, C. and Almeida, F. and Morales, D. and Roda, J. L. and Garcia, F.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "221--232",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{A}n {E}xtended {V}ersion of {L}inda for {T}ransputer {S}ystems",
  author= "Clayton, Peter and Wells, George and Chalmers, Alan G.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "233--240",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{F}rom {O}bject {O}riented {A}nalysis to {I}mplementation using occam",
  author= "Beton, Rick D.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "241--254",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",
  title = "{T}he {G}lobalisation of occam",
  author= "Singleton, Paul and Cook, Barry M.",
  editor= "O'Neill, Brian C.",
  pages = "255--270",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-19: {P}arallel {P}rocessing {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 261 0",
  year= "1996",
  month= "feb",

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