WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Exploring GPGPU Acceleration of Process\-Oriented Simulations
%A Frederick R. M. Barnes, Thomas Pressnell, Brendan Le Foll
%E Peter H. Welch, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Jan F. Broenink, Kevin Chalmers, Jan Bækgaard Pedersen, Adam T. Sampson
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2013
%X This paper reports on our experiences of using commodity
   GPUs to speed\-up the execution of fine\-grained concurrent
   simulations. Starting with an existing process\-oriented
   \[dq]boids\[dq] simulation, we explore a variety of
   techniques aimed at improving performance, gradually
   refactoring the original code. Successive improvements
   lead to a 10\-fold improvement in performance, which we
   believe can still be improved upon, allowing us to explore
   simulations with larger numbers of agents (30,000 rather
   than 2,000) interactively and without significant
   performance degradation.

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