WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T The \[rs]Honeysuckle\[rs] Programming Language: Event and Process
%A Ian R. East
%E James S. Pascoe, Roger J. Loader, Vaidy S. Sunderam
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2002
%X A new language for programming systems with Communicating
   Process Architecture is introduced which builds upon the
   success of occam. Some of the principal objectives are
   presented and justified. The means employed to express
   behaviour are then described, including a transfer
   primitive, which conveys object ownership as well as value,
   and an alternation construct. The latter replaces PRI PAR
   and PRI ALT, and affords explicit expression of
   conflict\-free prioritized reactive (event\-driven)
   behaviour, including exception response. HPL also offers
   source\-code modularity, object encapsulation, and the
   recursive definition of both object and process. Despite
   such ambition, a primary aim has been to retain simplicity
   in abstraction, expression, and implementation.

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