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Paper Details

  title = "{P}erformance of the {D}istributed {CPA} {P}rotocol and {A}rchitecture on {T}raditional {N}etworks",
  author= "Chalmers, Kevin",
  editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Sampson, Adam T. and Pedersen, Jan Bækgaard and Kerridge, Jon and Broenink, Jan F. and Barnes, Frederick R. M.",
  pages = "227--242",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2011",
  isbn= "978-1-60750-773-4",
  year= "2011",
  month= "jun",
  abstract= "Performance of communication mechanisms is very important in
     distributed systems frameworks, especially when the aim is
     to provide a particular type of behavior across a network.
     In this paper, performance measurements of the distributed
     Communicating Process Architectures networking protocol and
     stack is presented. The results presented show that for
     general communication, the distributed CPA architecture
     is close to the baseline network performance, although when
     dealing with parallel speedup for the Mandelbrot set, little
     performance is gained. A discussion into the future
     direction of the distributed CPA architecture and protocol
     in relation to occam-\π and other runtimes is also

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