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Paper Details

  title = "{H}ow to achieve replication within a {CASE} tool environment",
  author= "Manson, Gordon A. and Cachia, E. A. and Boyle, A.",
  editor= "Allen, Alastair R.",
  pages = "205--217",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-15: {T}ransputer {S}ystems - ongoing {R}esearch",
  isbn= "90 5199 085 5",
  year= "1992",
  month= "mar",
  abstract= "A CASE tool, called ParStP, has been developed at the
     University of Sheffield. ParStP is built on top an existing
     open CASE tool called Software through Pictures and it
     combines design, compilation, running, testing and
     documentation into one integrated system. This paper shows
     how ParStP is being extended to cope with replication."

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