The Design and Construction of Deadlock-Free Concurrent Systems
PhD Thesis by J.M.R. Martin, University of Buckingham, UK, 1996
Contact: Jeremy Martin
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road
United Kingdom
Phone: 01865 273236
ABSTRACT It is a difficult
task to produce software which is guaranteed never to fail, but
it is a vital goal for which to strive in many real-life
situations. The problem is especially complex in the field of
parallel programming, where there are extra things that can go
wrong. A particularly serious problem is Here we consider how
to construct systems which are guaranteed deadlock-free by
design. Design rules, old and new, which eliminate deadlock
are catalogued, and their theoretical foundation
illuminated. Then the development a software engineering tool
is described which proves deadlock-freedom by verifying
adherence to these methods. Use of this tool is illustrated
with several case studies. The thesis concludes with a
discussion of related issues of parallel program
The thesis can be viewed in its entirety as a single
PDF or gzipped
PostScript file (151
pages, 286K), or each chapter can be viewed individually. A
list of the chapters is given below with the title of the
chapter, the original page numbers in the PDF
documents, the page count and the absolute page ranges.
- Frontispiece (PDF, 24K)
i-ix (10 pages, 1-10)
- Introduction: PDF, 22K
and HTML, 10K
1-4 (4 pages, 11-14)
- Chapter 1. CSP and Deadlock
(PDF, 171)
5-33 (29 pages, 15-43)
- Chapter 2. Design Rules for Deadlock
Freedom (PDF, 184K)
34-61 (28 pages, 44-71)
- Chapter 3. A Tool for Proving
Deadlock-Freedom (PDF, 238K)
62-105 (44 pages, 72-115)
- Chapter 4. Engineering
Applications (PDF, 104K)
106-123 (18 pages, 116-133)
- Conclusions and Directions for
Future Work (PDF, 46K)
124-129 (6 pages, 134-139)
- References (PDF, 23K)
130-133 (4 pages, 140-143)
- Appendix A: Partial Orders
(PDF, 23K)
134-135 (2 pages, 144-145)
- Appendix B: Graphs and Digraphs
(PDF, 48K)
136-141 (6 pages, 146-151)
Thesis prepared for WWW by Dave Beckett and Ruth Ivimey-Cook.