WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Reference Books

The following books have been published that provide additional information about CSP and concurrent systems design. If you see errors in this list, or know of other books we might consider listing, please write to the webmaster at the address below.

Books about CSP

Communicating Sequential Processes, C.A.R Hoare, 280 pages (new edition, 1 February, 1986), Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0131532898. A PDF version of the book is now available.

Specification and Proof in Real Time CSP, Jim Davies, 198 pages 1st Ed (20 May, 1993). Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 0521450551

Probabilities and Priorities in Timed CSP, G Lowe, (November 1993), University of Oxford Computing Lab, Programming Research Gp.; ISBN: 0902928880

Introduction to Timed CSP, J Davies, S Schneider, (August 1989) University of Oxford Computing Lab, Programming Research Gp.; ISBN: 0902928570

Concurrent and Real Time Systems: The CSP Approach, Schnieder, Steve, 526 pages, John Wiley & Sons Incorporated, ISBN: 0471623733

Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols, Gavin Lowe, S. A. Schneider, Bill Roscoe, M. H. Goldsmith, P. Y. A. Ryan, G. Lowe, A.W. Roscoe, 352 pages 1st (21 December, 2000) Addison-Wesley Professional; ISBN: 0201674718

A Classical Mind: Essays in Honour of C.A.R. Hoare, W. Roscoe (Ed), 445 pages, Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0132948443

The Theory and Practice of Concurrency, A.W. Roscoe, 450 pages, Prentice-Hall; ISBN: 0136744095

Books on the occam language

Occam-2, John Galletly, 292 pages 2nd Ed (26 September, 1996), University College London Press; ISBN: 1857283627

Programming in occam 2 Geraint Jones and Michael Goldsmith, 1988, Prentice-Hall International; ISBN: 0137262582

Books on concurrent programs

Parallel Processing with Communicating Process Architecture, Ian East, (1995) University College London Press; ISBN: 1857282396

Theory and Practice of Concurrency, Roscoe, A., 512 pages (1998), Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0136744095

Real Time Systems and Programming Languages 3rd Ed, Alan Burns, 784 pages (January 2001), Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., ISBN: 0201729881

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