WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Compilers for the Occam Lanuage

There are several compilers available:

  • SGS-Thompson / INMOS donated compilers. These include :

    • TDS version 3, a transputer hosted development system
    • oc, a source release the C toolset compiler for occam 2.1.

  • The Kent Retargettable occam Compiler. This is a backend translator that recodes the transputer code generated by octran (the INMOS compiler) into instructions for other architectures, for example, SPARC or Alpha. Distributions of KRoC include the compiler frontend, the translator, maths and system libraries, and a make utility.

  • The Southampton Portable Occam Compiler. This is an alternative compiler, implemented from scratch rather than relying on INMOS code, that translates occam into portable C that can be compiled by a native C compiler. SPOC generates functions that schedule any occam processes you have defined.

The following utility programs are available and may be useful:

  • The occam preprocessor, ocpp. An occam source pre-processor in style of the C pre-processor for conditional compilation.

  • The transputer implementation of the Parallel Macros for Fortran (PARMACS) v5.1. This is transputer version 2.1, and requires the INMOS toolset compiler (Dx214), transputer f2c and VCR 2.0K, and a UNIX host.

    Author: Mark Debbage and Mark Hill of Southampton University, UK.

  • Virtual Channel Routing (VCR) software from University of Southampton.

Page last modified on 2nd March 2001
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