WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Communicating Process Architectures - 2000

Accepted Papers

[Note: the categories listed below are not definitive - many papers fit into several]
[Note: abstracts for each paper will be linked off each item - real soon now]


Formal Analysis of Concurrent Java Systems
Peter H. Welch (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)
Jeremy M.R. Martin (Oxford Supercomputing Centre)


CSP: Arriving at the CHANnel Island (an Industrial Practioner's Diary: in Search of a New Fairway)
Oyvind Teig (Navia Maritime AS, division Autronica, Norway)

Hardware Infrastructure:

Synchronisation in a Multithreaded Processor
Shondip Sen, Henk Muller and David May (Computer Science, University of Bristol)

Effective Caching for Multithreaded Processors
David May, James Irwin, Henk Muller and Dan Page (Computer Science, University of Bristol)

occam on Field Programmable Gate Arrays - Optimising for Performance
Roger M.A. Peel (Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey)
Barry M. Cook (Computer Science, University of Keele)

Software Infrastructure:

Distributed Computing using Channel Communications in Java
A. Ripke, Alastair R. Allen and Y. Feng (Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Scotland)

A Comparison of Linda Implementations in Java
George Wells, Peter Clayton (Computer Science, Rhodes University, South Africa)
Alan Chalmers (Computer Science, University of Bristol)

Conditional Communication in the Presence of Priority
Gerald H. Hilderink and Jan F. Broenink (Control Laboratory, University of Twente, the Netherlands)

Using Java for Parallel Computing - JCSP versus CTJ
Nan C, Schaller (Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY)
Gerald H. Hilderink (Control Laboratory, University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Peter H. Welch (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)

Blocking System Calls in KRoC/Linux
Frederick R.M. Barnes (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)

An Experiment with Recursion in occam
David C. Wood (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)

Post-Mortem Debugging in KRoC
David C. Wood (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)
Fred M.R. Barnes (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)

Native JCSP - the CSP for Java library with a Low-Overhead CSP Kernel
James Moores (Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)

libcsp - a Building mechanism for CSP Communication and Synchronisation in Multithreaded C Programs
Rick Beton (Roke Manor Research Ltd.)


The Automated Serialization of Concurrent CSP Scripts using Mathematica
Weiyang Zhou and G.S. Styles (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Utah State University)

Parallel Algorithms for Deadlock and Livelock Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Jeremy M.R. Martin (Oxford Supercomputing Centre)
Yvonne Huddart (Oxford University Computing Laboratory)

CSP Design Model and Tool Support
H.J. Volkerink, Gerald H. Hilderink, Jan F. Broenink, W.A. Veroort and Andre W.P. Bakkers
(Control Laboratory, University of Twente, the Netherlands)


A Self-Configuring Distributed Kernel for Satellite Networks
Scott Cannon and Larry Denys (Space Software Laboratory, Utah State University)

Steering High-Performance Parallel Programs: a Case Study
Peter J. Love (Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford)
Jeremy M.R. Martin (Oxford Supercomputing Centre)

A Cruise Control in occam based on an Implementation of KRoC on the Philips 8051 Microcontroller
Frank T.M. van Vugt (Vos-Bertens Consultants in Technology, the Netherlands)
Andre W.P. Bakkers (Control Laboratory, University of Twente, the Netherlands)

Page last modified on 2nd March 2001
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