SyncIOfileIDs  - Process trace file so reported I/O events
       involving the same file have identical File IDs.

       SyncIOfileIDs tracefile

       The SyncIOfileIDs program processes a trace file  contain-
       ing  I/O trace events where many different file IDs may be
       associated with a given file, and writes a new file  where
       every  I/O  trace  event associated with a particular file
       (as determined by the file name) has the same file ID.

       The multiple IDs per file WILL occur in a trace if a  file
       is opened multiple times in the course of the program exe-
       cution on a single node and MAY occur if a file is  opened
       by  multiple  nodes  (depending  on  the order of the open
       calls on each node).

       The output is written to an SDDF file in the  same  direc-
       tory as the input file and has the same SDDF format as the
       input file.  The output file name is the input  file  name
       with .syncFiles appended.

       A  file  with the suffix is also created in
       the directory of the input file.  It  gives  the  synchro-
       nized mapping from file IDs to file names.

       If  the  application  generated  multiple trace files, the
       files should be merged using MergePabloTraces(1) prior  to
       running  SyncIOfileIDs.   As  SyncIOfileIDs  executes,  it
       periodically displays the number of  input  trace  packets
       (records) processed to standard error.

       FileRegionIOstats(1), IOstats(1), IOstatsTable(1),
       IOtotalsByPE(1), LifetimeIOstats(1), MergePabloTraces(1),
       Ruth A. Aydt, A User's Guide to Pablo I/O Instrumentation
       Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format

       Copyright  1994-1996,  The University of Illinois Board of

       Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois

Pablo Environment        October 17, 1996