LifetimeIOstats  -  Produce  report from I/O File Lifetime
       Summary trace records

       LifetimeIOstats [ -browserFile browserOut ] tracefile

       LifetimeIOstats generates  a  report  of  application  I/O
       activity  summarized  by  file  from File Lifetime Summary
       trace records in the input SDDF trace file.  The necessary
       trace  event  records are produced by the I/O extension to
       the Pablo trace library when  the  File  Lifetime  Summary
       option is enabled.

       As  LifetimeIOstats  is  running, it periodically displays
       the number of input trace packets (records)  processed  to
       standard error.  The report output is directed to standard
       out and is 132 characters wide.  Several  notes  regarding
       interpretation  of reported values appear after the actual
       I/O summary information.  Those notes are  included  in  a
       slightly  modified form in the section "THE REPORT" below.

       If the input file does not include any File Lifetime  Sum-
       mary  records, the report will contain headings and a mes-
       sage that none of the  necessary  records  appear  in  the
       trace file, but no summary information.  For the report to
       work as intended, there  must  be  File  Lifetime  Summary
       records in the input trace file.  If the programmer elects
       not to enable the File Lifetime Summaries for  the  entire
       application execution, the report must be interpreted with
       that in mind.

       -browserFile browserOut
              When specified, this option causes  LifetimeIOstats
              to  produce  an SDDF file, browserOut, containing a
              subset of the reported information in a format that
              can  be  loaded  and  viewed with the Pablo Browser
              program.  See "THE BROWSER DATA" section below  for
              details  on  the  information  written  to the SDDF
              Note that the Pablo Brower program is currently not
              distributed outside the Pablo research group due to
              limited portability across platforms.

       The application to be studied must  be  instrumented  with
       the  I/O extension to the Pablo trace library and call the
       function enableLifetimeSummaries() to generate  the  trace
       records   needed   as   input   for   this  program.   The
       instrumented application is run  and  one  or  more  trace
       files are generated - the number of trace files depends on
       the number of processors used to run the application.

       If there are multiple trace files, they should  be  merged
       with  the  MergePabloTraces(1) program to produce a single
       trace file for the execution  including  information  from
       all processors.

       After the trace files have been merged, you should run the
       program AdjustTime(1) on the  merged  trace  file  if  you
       linked  the  application with the the raw clock version of
       the Pablo trace library.

       The report generated by  LifetimeIOstats  is  made  up  of
       three  major  sections.   The first section summarizes I/O
       activity over the lifetime of files accessed on a per-pro-
       cessor  basis.    The second section provides similar sum-
       mary information over all processors and also  includes  a
       statistical analysis of the length of time files were kept
       open during execution.  The final section reports the sec-
       onds  spent  in  any  of  the traced I/O operations( Read,
       Seek, Write, Open, Close ) for  each  processor,  and  the
       total  for  all  processors.   The processors spending the
       least and the most time  doing  I/O  are  identified  with
       "Minimum" and "Maximum" labels in the third section of the

       Further details on the contents of sections  one  and  two
       follow.   Unless  explicitly  noted, the comments apply to
       both the "per-processor" and the "all processors" sections
       of the report.

       The  processor  number, or all processors, is given.  Fol-
       lowing that a table containing the headings "Read  Count",
       "Read  Bytes",  "Read  Time",  "Seek Count", "Seek Bytes",
       "Seek Time", "Write Count", "Write Bytes",  "Write  Time",
       "File  Lifetime", "Opn/Cls Time", "Open Count", and "File-
       name" is generated.  In section one (per-processor),  sum-
       mary lines appear in the table for all files opened on the
       processor being reported.  In  section  two  (all  proces-
       sors),  summary  lines  appear  in the table for all files
       opened by any processor that was part of  the  application

       Each file name is given under the heading "Filename".  The
       number of times each file was  opened  appears  under  the
       "Open  Count"  heading.  The amount of time spent (in sec-
       onds) opening and closing each file is given in the column
       "Opn/Cls  Time".   The total time the file was open during
       the execution is listed in  the  "File  Lifetime"  column.
       Count, Bytes, and Time columns show the event count, bytes

       involved, and seconds taken  for  read,  seek,  and  write
       requests.   Asynchronous  reads  and  writes (on the Intel
       Paragon systems)  are  included  in  the  read  and  write
       columns,  with  the  reported seconds corresponding to the
       duration  of  the  asynchronous  call,  not  to  the  time
       required  for  the completion of the requested data trans-
       fer.    The table ends with a summary line for  all  files
       accessed  on  the  processor  (or processors if in section

       Following the table, the distribution of I/O  read,  seek,
       and write requests is listed.  Next, the mean request size
       for reads, seeks, and writes is shown.

       Bytes/Second  values  based  on  individual  requests  are
       reported  for  reads and writes.   These are calculated by
       dividing the number of bytes read (written) for all  files
       by  the  number of seconds required by the reads (writes).
       If your application makes use of asynchronous reads and/or
       writes, special care should be taken in interpreting these
       numbers since only the time for the asynch I/O request and
       not the time for the data transfer is included in the num-
       ber of seconds reported.

       For section one (per-processor), a set of statistics based
       on  "Processor Execution Time" is given next.  For section
       two (all processors), the statistics are  given  based  on
       "All  Processor Execution Time" and on "Application Execu-
       tion Time".

       For purposes of this report,  "Processor  Execution  Time"
       measures  the  time  from  the initialization of the Pablo
       Trace library to the time  when  endIOtrace()  is  called.
       The  Pablo  Trace library is initialized by the first call
       to traceEvent(), countEvent(), or  startTimeEvent(); or by
       the  first call to initialize a trace library extension --
       initIOtrace() for example.  Provided one of these calls is
       made  near  the beginning of the application execution and
       the call to endIOtrace() is  made  near  the  end  of  the
       application  execution,  the  "Processor  Execution  Time"
       gives a fairly good measure of the application run time.

       Since tracing is often done on multi-processor systems, we
       use  the  term  "Processor Execution Time" to refer to the
       execution time of an individual processor.   We  use  "All
       Processors Execution Time" to refer to the sum of the exe-
       cution times  of  the  individual  processors.   The  term
       "Application Execution Time" is used to refer to the maxi-
       mum of the execution times of the individual processors in
       the  system.   "Application Execution Time" corresponds to
       wall clock time -- how long it took the application to run
       on the system.

       The   statistics   given   show  the  operation  frequency
       (operations per second) for reads, seeks, and writes based
       on the Execution Time.  The operation time as a percentage
       of execution time is listed for  read,  seek,  write,  and
       opens/close   operations.    The   time   taken   by   the
       opens/closes can be thought  of  as  overhead  since  they
       accomplish  no  real  work,  but are necessary in order to
       perform the desired I/O.  Finally, a  bytes/second  figure
       based on Execution Time is given for reads and writes.

       The browser SDDF file contains data on:
              o Read Counts per File Open
              o Seek Counts per File Open
              o Write Counts per File Open
              o Read Time per File Open
              o Seek Time per File Open
              o Write Time per File Open
              o Open/Close Time per File Open
              o File Lifetimes
              o Open/Close Overhead -vs- File Lifetime

       For files accessed in a global mode, the "Seek Bytes" val-
       ues will often be  incorrect.   In  particular,  on  Intel
       Paragon  systems,  these  values should not be trusted for
       files accessed with an iomode of M_LOG, M_SYNC,  M_RECORD,
       or  M_GLOBAL.  The I/O extension to the Pablo instrumenta-
       tion library attempts to minimize the overhead incurred in
       gathering file pointer information and does not track file
       pointer positioning correctly when  the  activity  on  one
       processor  affects  the  file  pointer position on another
       processor.  An attempt will be made to address this  prob-
       lem in the next release.

       AdjustTime(1), FileRegionIOstats(1), IOstats(1),
       IOtotalsByPE(1),       MergePabloTraces(1),       
       TimeWindowIOstats(1), runBrowser(1)
       Ruth A. Aydt, A User's Guide to Pablo I/O Instrumentation
       Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format

       Copyright  1994,  The  University  of  Illinois  Board  of

       Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois

Pablo Environment          Oct 16, 1996