IOstatsTable  -  Produce  tables  summarizing  information
       about I/O operations from I/O detail trace records

       IOstatsTable [-processor number] [-fileID id] tracefile

       IOstatsTable generates a report containing two  tables  of
       information  about  application I/O activity summarized by
       request type from detailed I/O trace records in the  input
       SDDF  trace  file.   The necessary trace event records are
       produced by the I/O extension to the Pablo  trace  library
       by default whenever the I/O extension has been initialized
       and individual I/O calls have been instrumented.

       As IOstatsTable is running, it periodically  displays  the
       number of input trace packets (records) processed to stan-
       dard error.  The report output  is  directed  to  standard

       If  the  input  file does not include any I/O detail trace
       records, the report will be generated  without  error  but
       will  contain  all  zeros.   For  the  report  to  work as
       intended, there must be I/O detail trace  records  in  the
       input  SDDF file.  If the programmer elects not to collect
       I/O detail trace records for the entire application execu-
       tion, the report must be interpreted with that in mind.

       -processor number
              Only  I/O  activity occurring on the specified pro-
              cessor is included in the report.  A  comment  con-
              taining the processor number is written to standard
              error when IOstatsTable begins execution. The  pro-
              cessor number is also included in the report itself
              after the heading "Reported Processor:".

              The default behavior is  to  include  I/O  activity
              from all processors.

       -fileID id
              Only  I/O  activity  associated  with the specified
              file, as identified  by  id,  is  included  in  the
              report.   A comment containing the file ID is writ-
              ten to standard error when IOstatsTable begins exe-
              cution. The file ID and file name are also included
              in the report itself after the  headings  "Reported
              File ID:" and "Reported File:".

              If the input trace uses the same fileID to refer to
              multiple files,  the  information  from  all  files
              associated with the selected ID will be included in
              the report. However, the name of only  one  of  the
              files  will  be  listed.   See the section below on
              "BEFORE  RUNNING  THE  PROGRAM"   and   also   Syn-
              cIOfileIDs(1)  for  further  discussion  on  how to
              avoid this file ID to file name mismatch problem.

              The default behavior is to include I/O activity for
              all files in the report.

       The  application  to  be studied must be instrumented with
       the I/O extension to the Pablo trace  library  and  should
       NOT call the function disableIOdetail().  The instrumented
       application is run and one or more trace files are  gener-
       ated  - the number of trace files depends on the number of
       processors used to run the application.

       If there are multiple trace files, they should  be  merged
       with  the  MergePabloTraces(1) program to produce a single
       trace file for the execution  including  information  from
       all  processors.   It  is  possible to run IOstatsTable on
       unmerged trace files, but the  output  will  only  contain
       information for the single processor reported in the input
       trace file.

       After the trace files have been merged, you should run the
       program  AdjustTime(1)  on  the  merged  trace file if you
       linked the application with the the raw clock  version  of
       the Pablo trace library.

       If  you  intend  to  use the -fileID option to report only
       accesses to individual files, the program SyncIOfileIDs(1)
       should  be  run on the input trace file to synchronize IDs
       for files that were opened more than once by the  applica-
       tion.   The  file  generated  by  SyncIOfileIDs  ending in
       ".syncFiles" can be used as input  to  IOstatsTable.   The
       file  ending  in  "" can be used to identify
       the file ID of the  particular  file  whose  I/O  you  are
       interested in viewing.

       If  I/O detail trace records were not produced for all I/O
       operations in the application, either because  some  calls
       were  not  instrumented or because detail tracing was dis-
       abled for part of the execution, the report  will  include
       only  those  operations for which detail records were pro-
       duced and should be interpreted with that in mind.

       The report tabulates information from detailed  I/O  event
       trace  records.   Every I/O operation for the processor(s)
       and file(s) in the input tracefile that  is  not  filtered
       out  by  a  command  line  -fileID or -processor switch is
       treated separately - there  is  no  attempt  to  correlate
       operations  that  take  place  concurrently  on individual
       nodes of a multiprocessor system.  Said another  way,  the
       processor  and  file  ID  information  in  the trace event
       records is used for filtering purposes, but is not consid-
       ered  beyond that as the statistics are generated for this

       The input trace file is listed near the top of the report.
       The  reported  first and last I/O operation timestamps are
       based on I/O requests from every processor included in the
       report.   The  number  of  nodes  reported is one plus the
       highest processor identifier appearing in the trace  file.
       The  reported wall-clock time is the greatest timestamp in
       the trace file, and the execution time is  the  wall-clock
       time multiplied by the number of nodes.

       The first table in the report shows the following informa-
       tion for each I/O request type and a summary line for  all
       I/O requests:
              o Count: count of occurances
              o  %Count: percentage of occurances relative to all
              reported I/O requests
              o IO time: total time spent (in seconds)
              o %IOtim: percentage of time spent relative to  all
              reported I/O requests
              o %EXtim: percentage of time spent relative to exe-
              cution time
              o Bytes: total bytes transferred
              o %Bytes: percentage of bytes transferred  relative
              to bytes transferred for all reported I/O requests

       The second table provides a distribution of read and write
       requests based on request size.

       For systems which include Asynch  Read  and  Asynch  Write
       information,  the  durations  reported  are  for the asyn-
       chronous read or  asynchronous  write  calls  and  do  not
       include the actual time required to transfer the requested

       AdjustTime(1), FileRegionIOstats(1), IOstats(1), 
       IOtotalsByPE(1),   MergePabloTraces(1),  LifetimeIOstats(1),  
       SyncIOfileIDs(1), TimeWindowIOstats(1)
       Ruth A. Aydt, A User's Guide to Pablo I/O Instrumentation
       Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format

       Copyright  1996,  The  University  of  Illinois  Board  of

       Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois

Pablo Environment          Feb 22, 1996