IOtotalsByPE  -  Produce  report  from  I/O  detail  trace
       records about I/O operations by processor number

       IOtotalsByPE [-fileID id] [-browserFile browseOut]
            [-showOpens] tracefile

       IOtotalsByPE generates a report showing the  total  count,
       duration, and bytes involved for various I/O operations by
       processor number from detailed I/O trace  records  in  the
       input SDDF file.  The necessary detail trace event records
       are produced by the  I/O  extension  to  the  Pablo  trace
       library  by  default  whenever  the I/O extension has been
       initialized and individual I/O  calls  have  been  instru-

       As  IOtotalsByPE  is running, it periodically displays the
       number of input trace packets (records) processed to stan-
       dard error.  The report output is directed to standard out
       and is 132 characters wide.

       If the input file does not include any  detail  I/O  trace
       records,  the  report will be generated without error, but
       will contain all zeros.

       -fileID id
              Only I/O activity  associated  with  the  specified
              file,  as  identified  by  id,  is  included in the
              report.  A comment containing the file ID is  writ-
              ten to standard error when IOtotalsByPE begins exe-
              cution and the selected file ID is also  listed  in
              the report.

              The default behavior is to include I/O activity for
              all files in the report.

              When selected, this option produces a record of the
              file  opens  performed  on  each  processor  at the
              beginning of the report.  The timestamp,  processor
              number,  file  ID,  and file name are show for each
              open operation.  The log is in ascending  timestamp

       -browserFile browserOut
              When  specified, this option causes IOtotalsByPE to
              produce an SDDF file, browserOut, containing a sub-
              set  of  the  reported information in a format that
              can be loaded and viewed  with  the  Pablo  Browser
              program.   See "THE BROWSER DATA" section below for
              Note that the Pablo Brower program is currently not
              distributed outside the Pablo research group due to
              limited portability across platforms.

       The  application  to  be studied must be instrumented with
       the I/O extension to the Pablo trace  library  and  should
       NOT call the function disableIOdetail().  The instrumented
       application is run and one or more trace files are  gener-
       ated  - the number of trace files depends on the number of
       processors used to run the application.

       If there are multiple trace files, they should  be  merged
       with  the  MergePabloTraces(1) program to produce a single
       trace file for the execution  including  information  from
       all  processors.   It  is  possible to run IOtotalsByPE on
       unmerged trace files, but the  output  will  only  contain
       information for the single processor reported in the input
       trace file.

       If I/O detail trace records were not produced for all  I/O
       operations  in  the application, either because some calls
       were not instrumented or because detail tracing  was  dis-
       abled  for  part  of the execution, the report totals will
       include only those operations  for  which  detail  records
       were produced and should be interpreted with that in mind.

       The report is  broken  down  into  three  major  sections:
       "Count  of  Operations",  "Duration  of  Operations",  and
       "Bytes  involved  in  Operations".   The   durations   are
       reported  in  seconds.    Under  each  of  these sections,
       totals for various I/O operations are given for each  pro-
       cessor  included in the input trace file.   Totals for all
       I/O operations and all processors are also reported.

       The I/O operations "Read",  "Seek",  "Write",  "Async  Rd"
       (asynchronous  read),  "Async  Wr"  (asynchronous  write),
       "Open", "Glbl Open" (global open), and "Close" are  listed
       in  the  report.  In addition, the column "Other" contains
       information for the I/O operations reported in the  detail
       trace  records  Flush,  Lsize,  IO Mode, IO Wait, and Misc
       I/O.  Note that the operations listed are not  all  avail-
       able on every system where Pablo trace files may be gener-

       Durations reported for asynchronous reads and writes  cor-
       respond  to  the duration of the asynchronous call, not to
       the time required for the completion of the requested data

       The browser SDDF file contains data on:
              o Count of Read Operations by Processor
              o Count of Seek Operations by Processor
              o Count of Write Operations by Processor
              o Count of Asynch Read Operations by Processor
              o Count of Asynch Write Operations by Processor
              o Count of Open Operations by Processor
              o Count of Global Open Operations by Processor
              o Count of Close Operations by Processor
              o Count of Other I/O Operations by Processor
              o Count of All I/O Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Read Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Seek Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Write Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Asynch Read Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Asynch Write Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Open Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Global Open Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Close Operations by Processor
              o Duration of Other I/O Operations by Processor
              o Duration of All I/O Operations by Processor
              o Bytes Transferred with Read Operations by Proces-
              o Bytes Transferred with Write Operations  by  Pro-
              o  Bytes Transferred with Asynch Read Operations by
              o Bytes Transferred with Asynch Write Operations by
              o Bytes Transferred with All I/O Operations by Pro-

       FileRegionIOstats(1),     IOstats(1),     IOstatsTable(1),
       MergePabloTraces(1), LifetimeIOstats(1), SyncIOfileIDs(1),
       Ruth A. Aydt, A User's Guide to Pablo I/O Instrumentation
       Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format

       Copyright  1996,  The  University  of  Illinois  Board  of

       Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois

Pablo Environment          Feb 23, 1996