MergePabloTraces(1) NAME MergePabloTraces - Merge arbitrary number of SDDF files using the Seconds field as the merge key. SYNOPSIS MergePabloTraces [ -v ] [ -o outfile ] infile1 infile2 ... DESCRIPTION The MergePabloTraces program merges an arbitrary number of SDDF files on the Seconds field value. The program uses N-way merging, where N is limited by the number of files which may be open at a given time. Temporary files are placed in P_tmpdir as defined in stdio.h, but this loca- tion may be overriden by the TMPDIR environment variable. If the input trace files begin with identical attributes records, the MergePabloTraces program will write a single copy of the attributes record to the generated output file. OPTIONS -v Verbose option. When selected, the program outputs status information about which files are currently being merged and how long each phase of the merge process takes. This option is useful in monitor- ing progress when merging a large number of files. -o outfile The name of the merged SDDF file created by the program. If this option is not specified, the out- put is written to MergedPabloTrace.XXX, where XXX is the process id of the MergePabloTraces process. SEE ALSO SDDFmerge(1), SDDFmerger(1) Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format COPYRIGHT Copyright 1995, The University of Illinois Board of Trustees. AUTHOR Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois Pablo Environment Oct 19, 1995