AdjustTime - Process Pablo trace file and  adjust  Timestamp
     and Seconds fields to reflect elapsed time since first trace

     AdjustTime tracefile

     The AdjustTime program processes  a  trace  file  containing
     trace  events  generated  using  the  Pablo  instrumentation
     library which have fields named  "Timestamp"  or  "Seconds".
     It  adjusts  the  values  of these fields in all record data
     packets so they represent the elapsed time since the produc-
     tion  of  the first record data packet appearing in the file
     which contains the field being adjusted.  This adjustment is
     especially  useful  when  the trace library is reporting the
     raw clock value in these fields --  some of the  Pablo  sum-
     mary  report programs expect the times to be relative to the
     start of tracing and not raw clock values and  will  contain
     inaccurate  execution time numbers if this adjustment is not

     The program assumes that record data packets  in  the  trace
     file  appear  in ascending timestamp order.  Any record data
     packets which to do not have the Timestamp  or  the  Seconds
     field will not be adjusted.

     File attribute packets with an attribute pair having the key
     "timestamp  reports"  will be modified in the output file by
     prepending the word "ADJUSTED"  to  the  original  attribute
     value string.  This indicates that the Timestamp and Seconds
     fields have been adjusted.

     The output is written to an SDDF file in the same  directory
     as  the input file and has the same SDDF format as the input
     file. The output file name is the input file name  with  the
     suffix .adjTime appended.

     As AdjustTime  is  running,  it  periodically  displays  the
     number  of  input trace packets (records) processed to stan-
     dard error.

     Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format

     Copyright  1995,  the  University  of  Illinois   Board   of

     Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois

Pablo Environment   Last change: Dec 18, 1995