
HPCC Related Software Repositories
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Argonne Parallel Software and Tools Projects
- Army Reuse Center (ARC)
ASSET (Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology)
Binary Black Holes Alliance Software Library
CARDS - Comprehensive Approach to Reusable Defense Software
Computational Chemistry List and Archives, archive
containing information, software, and data
Computational Collaborative Projects (CCPs)
- Computer Algebra Systems,
list of currently developed and distributed software for symbolic
mathematical applications
- NASA's
COmputer Software Management and Information Center (COSMIC)
Computer Vision home page, CMU (includes source code archive)
Cornell Theory Center Parallel Programming Tools
Data Explorer Repository, Cornell Theory Center
DSRS - Defense Software Repository System
ELSA - Electronic Library Services and Applications
- EMLIB, free distribution
of electromagnetics software and related information
The Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC)
repository for and the source from
which to purchase software funded by the Department of Energy and/or
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Fermilab's Fermitools
Finite element mesh generation, maintained by Robert Schneiders
Finite Element Resources, finite element software and other
relevant information
Fortran 90 Software Repository
NAG supported public repository for useful Fortran 90 codes,
examples of new Fortran 90 features, and related materials.
Fortran Tools Repository, Rice University
A collection of software and information about software which is
useful in high energy physics and related fields.
- GAMS Virtual Software Repository
indexes software stored at other repositories, including Netlib,
based on a taxonomy of mathematical and statistical
problems which is used to classify software modules.
Geometry Center Library of Downloadable Software, University of Minnesota
Graphics and data analysis software
Steven Baum, Texas A&M
HPF Applications Code Registry
Maple Software Links
Maple information and software
- Mathematics Archives, University of Tennessee
Provides access to public domain and shareware
software of use in teaching mathematics at the community college, college,
and university levels.
- MatrixMarket, NIST
A repository of matrix test data for use in comparative studies
of algorithms.
- MGNet,
Multigrid and domain decomposition repository of preprints, codes,
a huge bibligraphy, conference information and proceedings, and more!
Multigrid Algorithm Library, University of Augsburg
Access to various multigrid related information,
including references, preprints, and conferences.
NAS Software Archives
- NASA Earth and Space Science (ESS) Software Exchanges at
NASA Langley Research Center Software Server
NASALIB, library of
shareware, freeware, and resuable code for the Macintosh, UNIX,
Windows, and DOS platforms (restricted to the nasa.gov domain)
NCAR's Mathematical and Statistical Libraries
NCSA Software Development Group (SDG), NCSA
programs to assist scientific discovery, including data analysis and
visualization software, for all of the major scientific
computing platforms: Macs, PCs, Unix workstations, and high-end
- Object-Oriented
Numerics, listing of freely available and commercial object-oriented
numerical software
ORNL Center for Computational Sciences Code/Algorithm Inventory,
including Grand Challenge codes in climate modeling, materials science,
and groundwater modeling
PAL (Public Ada Library)
A library of Ada and VHDL software, information, and courseware,
mostly freeware.
A library of free software collected and maintained at
Caltech CCSF plus pointers to other software for MIMD parallel computers
Parallel Computing Archive at WoTUG
This parallel computing archive has special interest in the INMOS
Transputer processor and the occam language.
Parallel I/O Archive at Dartmouth
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Developed Software
Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Lab
S.A.L. Scientific Applications on Linux
San Diego Supercomputer Center Applications Software
S.A.S.I.A.M.'s Software Repositories (in Italy)
Semiconductor Technical Repository, Stanford, for developers of
simulation and modeling tools for semiconductor technology
Softlib -- Software Retrieval System at Rice University
Software for Unix Systems (in German)
STARS - Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems
StatCodes, statistical source codes and packages of use to
physical scientists
Symbolic Mathematical Computation Information Center
- StatLib
A collection of statistical software and datasets at Carnegie Mellon University
The Transputer Archive