Crisis in High Performance Computing - Timetable

11th September 1995

Lecture room G22 (also known as the Pearson Lecture Theatre)
Pearson Building
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

  09:30  Registration

  09:50  Introduction to the Day
  10:00  High performance compute + interconnect is not enough
         (Professor David May, University of Bristol)
  10:40  Experiences with the Cray T3D, PowerGC, ...
         (Chris Jones, British Aerospace, Warton)
  11:05  More experiences with the Cray T3D, ... (ABSTRACT)
	 (Ian Turton, Centre for Computational Geography, University of Leeds)
  11:30  Coffee

  11:50  Experiences with the Meiko CS2, ... (ABSTRACT)
         (Chris Booth, Parallel Processing Section, DRA Malvern)
  12:15  Problems of Parallelisation - why the pain? (ABSTRACT)
         (Dr. Steve Johnson, University of Greenwich)

  13:00  Working Lunch (provided) [Separate discussion groups]

  14:20  Language Problems and High Performance Computing (ABSTRACT)
         (Nick Maclaren, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory)
  14:50  Parallel software and parallel hardware - bridging the gap (ABSTRACT)
         (Professor Peter Welch, University of Kent)

  15:30  Work sessions and Tea [Separate discussion groups]

  16:30  Plenary discussion session
  16:55  Summary

  17:00  Close

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Copyright © 1995 Dave Beckett, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.