Communicating Process Architectures 2016: Fringe
An important feature of CPA conferences are the evening Fringe
sessions (Sunday and Monday, after dinner).
These sessions are informal, audience interactive, and sometimes
slightly controversial.
All conference delegates are invited to bid for a slot in the Fringe programme
on any topic that they think may be of interest to the conference.
A Fringe presentation may last 5-15 minutes.
Bids will be considered by the editors of the conference proceedings and
acceptance is not guaranteed.
Items presented in past Fringes have included speculative new ideas,
provocative criticism of established ideas, work in progress,
recently completed but unreported work, pleas for help ... and more!
The Fringe is a forum for delegates to get informal, friendly and
(sometimes) authoritative feedback.
Doctoral students may find this useful for exercising ideas for thesis work.
Call for Fringe Contributions
The Fringe programme is not finalised until it happens, allowing delegates
to bid for a slot on the day!
However, delegates are encouraged to submit titles and abstracts at any time,
using the style files, formatting rules and submission mechanism provided
in the Author Information.
Fringe abstracts received by the CRC submission deadline, and accepted for
the programme, will be included in the published Proceedings.
Please also see the calls for
papers and
mini-workshop proposals.