Internet Parallel Computing Archive

Changes to the archive in in February 1998

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6th February 1998

"New but Unofficial MS Word 7 template file for IOS Press type sheet (" This adds the IOS press-style header to the template.
"Technical Session on Visual Methods and Tools for Distributed Software Development at PDPTA'98" by Guido Wirtz <> Details of PDPTA'98 Session, Las Vegas, USA.

The aim of this session is to discuss recent advances and coordinate different activities in the area of visual methods, languages and formalisms for the description, analysis and simulation of distributed and parallel software systems.

Topics: Visual parallel and distributed design and programming languages; Tools based on visual languages and formalisms; Visual language support of software engineering for distributed systems; Visualization of distributed programs and designs; Practical experience with combinations of visual and formal methods (light); Visualization of parallel and distributed debugging and performance tuning.

Deadlines: Draft papers 2nd March 1998; Camera-ready paper 22nd May 1998.
"Fifth European PVM/MPI Conference and Users' Group Meeting" (EuroPVM/MPI'98) by Roland Wismueller <> Details of event being held at Liverpool, UK. Organised by University of Liverpool, UK.

Topics: algorithms using PVM and MPI; applications in science and engineering; extensions and improvements to PVM and MPI; performance and evaluation of PVM and MPI; tools for PVM and MPI; interfaces for PVM and MPI; HPF/MPI extensions; implementation issues.
"Special Session at PDPTA98 on Visual Methods and Tools for Distributed Software Development" by Guido Wirtz <> The aim of this session is to discuss recent advances and coordinate different activities in the area of visual methods, languages and formalisms for the description, analysis and simulation of distributed and parallel software systems.

Topics: Visual parallel and distributed design and programming languages; Tools based on visual languages and formalisms; Visual language support of software engineering for distributed systems; Visualization of distributed programs and designs; Practical experience with combinations of visual and formal methods (light); Visualization of parallel and distributed debugging and performance tuning and others.

See also <URL:>

1st February 1998

Updated IOS Press style sheets
"IOS Paper Style Document" Official IOS Press style information for presenting their papers.
"Offical LaTex2 Style sheet for IOS Press papers"
"Unoffical LaTex2e Style sheet for IOS Press papers" by Dave Beckett NOTE: This is unofficial and is not guaranteed to give the correct results.

Copyright © 1993-2000 Dave Beckett & WoTUG