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If you wish to mirror the IPCA, please CONTACT ME
FIRST for permission and help on configuring your mirror.
Dave Beckett
- America
- University of Pennsylvania National Scalable Cluster Project,
Philadelphia, USA.
Contact: Don Benton benton@dept.physics.upenn.edu
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
- Australia
- The Australian National University (ANU)
maintained by the CRC For Advanced Computational Systems (ACSys)
in Canberra, Australia.
Contact: Markus Buchhorn, markus@acsys.a.anu.edu.au.
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
- France
- Institut Blaise Pascal (IBP) and Centre de Calcul
Recherche (CCR) of the Jussieu campus, Paris, France. IBP is a
federation of laboratories associated to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and of the universities Paris VI and Paris VII.
It brings together the Computer Science laboratories of the Jussieu campus.
CCR is the common computing service of the universities Paris VI and Paris
Contact: Remy Card, Remy.Card@ibp.fr
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
- Germany
- Gesellschaft fuer wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Goettingen (GWDG) in Goettingen, Germany.
Contact: Eberhard Moenkeberg, emoenke@gwdg.de.
Access: Domains gwdg.de, uni-goettingen.de and mpg.de, no
restrictions, 50 sessions. Other domains, Monday - Friday
between 8:00 and 18:00, 24 sessions - otherwise 35
- Greece
- National Technical University Athens (NTUA) in Athens,
Greece. A supported service based at NTUA FTP Server, in Athens,
Greece located at NTUA Network Management Center.
Contact: FTP Administrators ftpadm@ntua.gr
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
- Japan
- Phase Project (Parallel and High-performance computing Research Activities in the Electrotechnical Laboratory) in Japan.
Contact: NISHIDA Akira nishida@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
- Spain
- Comision de Extension Universitaria, Facultade de Informatica da
Universidade de A Coruņa, Galicia, Spain.
Contact: FTP administrator ftpadmin@ceu.fi.udc.es
Access: 24 hours / 7 days access, no restrictions.
(180 anonymous sessions allowed)
Last Modified: 30th January 1998
Copyright \© 1993-2000 Dave Beckett & WoTUG