HPC and Parallel Computing Vendors (Quadrics-Unisys)
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Building Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) parallel UNIX systems since
1984. RDBMS, parallel networking, clustering and client/server
- Home Page (WARNING: Huge Image)
- Sequent, 15450 SW Koll Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006-6063, USA.
Formerly called
Ltd. and the designers of Transputers and occam.
Pyramid, a daughter company of SNI, sell a parallel system called the
Reliant RM1000 based on 192 MIPS R4400 processors on a 2-D mesh
network using 50MB/s router chips.

- Home Page
- Sundance Multi-Processor Technology Ltd., Chiltern House, Waterside, Ches
ham, HP5 1PS, UK
- Tel: +44 1494 793167
- FAX: +44 1494 793168
- Email: sales@sundance.com
Supplier of data acquisition systems
- Home Page
- 13 Nettlehill Road, Houstoun Industrial Estate, Livingston,
Scotland, EH54 5DL, UK
- Tel: +44 1506 444911
- FAX: +44 1506 441040
- Email: sales@sunny.demon.co.uk
Distributors for Nestor, Inc. Neural Network IC (the Ni1000), a
pattern recognition accelerator, and Hyperstone Electronics GmbH, E1
family of combined RISC/DSP's.
- Contact: John S. Greenway, Director
Thinking Silicon Ltd, Courtland, Latchmoor Way, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 8LW, England.
- Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1753 891722.

Transputer based distributed memory parallel computers for embedded
applications and parallel processing education and development. Also
provides services such as training, consulting, technical assistance
and complete development of systems. Sells and supports Archipel
(Volvox) systems.
Tera Multi-Threaded architecture (MTA) systems.
A provider of MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) systems and the WWW
server provides information on hardware and software products,
applications, and customer support and services.
- Home Page
- Contact: Steve Bradshaw
Traquair Data Systems Inc., 114 Sheldon Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
- Phone: +1 (607) 266 6000
- Fax: +1 (607) 266 8221
- Email: traquair@traquair.com
A manufacturer of high performance multi-processor systems using SGS
Thomson Transputers, Intel i860s, TI TMS320C4x and IBM/Motorola
PowerPCs for a wide range of applications.
Recently released the Open Parallel Unisys Server (OPUS) developed
from a partnership with Intel, Novell and Chorus Systems.
Copyright © 1993-2000 Dave Beckett & WoTUG