PLOTIOTOTALSBYPE(OctoberPablo EnvironmenPLOTIOTOTALSBYPE(October) NAME PlotIOtotalsByPE - Reads a trace file containg I/O detail trace records and generates text files summarizing I/O data which can be used as input to plotting tools. SYNOPSIS PlotIOtotalsByPE [-fileID id] tracefile DESCRIPTION PlotIOtotalsByPE reads an input SDDF file containing I/O detail trace records and produces several output text files which can be used as input to gnuplot(1) and other standard plotting programs. The necessary detail trace event records are produced by the I/O extension to the Pablo trace library by default whenever the I/O extension has been initialized and individual I/O calls have been instrumented. Each output file contains two values per line. The first value corresponds to the processor number. The second value corresponds to the count, duration, or bytes involved in a particular class of I/O operation on the processor (as given by the first value). The names of the individual output files indicate the meaning of the second value as follows: o ioclassCountByPE.plot: contains operation count information o ioclassDurationByPE.plot: contains operation duration information o ioclassByteByPE.plot: contains operation bytes inforrmation The ioclass components of the output file names and their corresponding I/O detail trace reacords are: o openAndGopen: Open and Global Open o close: Close o read: Read o seek: Seek o write: Write o aRead: Async Read o aWrite: Asynch Write o other: Flush, Misc I/O, IO Wait, IO Mode, and Lsize o allIO: All of the I/O detail record types As PlotIOtotalsByPE is running, it periodically displays the number of input trace packets (records) processed to standard error. If the input file does not include any detail I/O trace records, the output files will be generated without error, but will contain only zeros. OPTIONS -fileID id Only I/O activity associated with the specified file, as identified by id, is included in the out- put files. When this option is used, the generated output file names are of the form ioclassCount- ByPE_id, ioclassDuratinByPE_id, and ioclassBytes- ByPE_id where id is the selected processor. The default behavior is to include I/O activity for all files in the output. BEFORE RUNNING THE PROGRAM The application to be studied must be instrumented with the I/O extension to the Pablo trace library and should NOT call the function disableIOdetail(). The instrumented application is run and one or more trace files are gener- ated - the number of trace files depends on the number of processors used to run the application. If there are multiple trace files, they should be merged with the MergePabloTraces(1) program to produce a single trace file for the execution including information from all processors. If you intend to use the -fileID option to include only accesses to individual files, the program SyncIOfileIDs(1) should be run on the input trace file to synchronize IDs for files that were opened more than once by the applica- tion. The file generated by SyncIOfileIDs ending in ".syncFiles" can be used as input to PlotIOtotalsByPE. The file ending in "" can be used to iden- tify the file ID of the particular file whose I/O you are interested in plotting. If I/O detail trace records were not produced for all I/O operations in the application, either because some calls were not instrumented or because detail tracing was dis- abled for part of the execution, the output file totals will include only those operations for which detail records were produced and should be interpreted with that in mind. SEE ALSO IOtotalsByPE(1), MergePabloTraces(1), SyncIOfileIDs(1), gnuplot(1) Ruth A. Aydt, A User's Guide to Pablo I/O Instrumentation Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format COPYRIGHT Copyright 1996, The University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois