WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T JCircus 2.0: an Extension of an Automatic Translator from Circus to Java
%A S.L.M. Barrocas, Marcel Oliveira
%E Peter H. Welch, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Kevin Chalmers, Jan Bækgaard Pedersen, Adam T. Sampson
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2012
%X The use of formal methods in the development of concurrent
   systems considerably reduces the complexity of specifying
   their behaviour and verifying properties that are inherent
   to them. Development, however, targets the generation of
   executable programs; hence, translating the final
   specification into a practical programming language
   becomes imperative. This translation is usually rather
   problematic due to the high probability of introducing
   errors in manual translations: the mapping from some of the
   original concepts in the formal concurrency model into a
   corresponding construct in the programming language
   is non\-trivial. In recent years, there is a growing effort
   in providing automatic translation from formal
   specifications into programming languages. One of these
   efforts, JCircus, translates specifications written in
   Circus (a combination of Z and CSP) into Java programs
   that use JCSP, a library that implements most of the CSP
   constructs. The subtle differences between JCSP and Circus
   implementation of concurrency, however, imposed restrictions
   to the translation strategy and, consequently, to JCircus.
   In this paper, we extend JCircus by providing: (1) a new
   optimised translation strategy to
   multi\-way synchronisation; (2) the translation of complex
   communications, and; (3) the translation of CSP sharing
   parallel and interleaving. A performance analysis of the
   resulting code is also in the context of this paper
   and provides important insights into the practical use of
   our results.

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