WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

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%T A Systems Re\-engineering Case Study: Programming Robots with occam and Handel\-C
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%A Dan Slipper, Alistair A. McEwan
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%E Peter H. Welch, Adam T. Sampson, Jan Bækgaard Pedersen, Jon Kerridge, Jan F. Broenink, Frederick R. M. Barnes
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2011
%X This paper introduces a case study exploring some of the
   legacy issues that may be faced when redeveloping a system.
   The case study is a robotics system programmed in occam and
   Handel\-C, allowing us to draw comparisons between software
   and hardware implementations in terms of program
   architecture, ease of program code verification, and
   differences in the behaviour of the robot. The two languages
   used have been selected because of their model of
   concurrency and their relation to CSP. The case study
   contributes evidence that re\-implementing a system from
   an abstract model may present implementation specific issues
   despite maintaining the same underlying program control
   structure. The paper identifies these problems and suggests
   a number of steps that could be taken to help mitigate some
   of the issues.

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