WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T A Denotational Study of Mobility
%A Joël-Alexis Bialkiewicz, Frederic Peschanski
%E Peter H. Welch, Herman Roebbers, Jan F. Broenink, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Carl G. Ritson, Adam T. Sampson, G. S. Stiles, Brian Vinter
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2009
%X This paper introduces a denotational model and refinement
   theory for a process algebra with mobile channels. Similarly
   to CSP, process behaviours are recorded as trace sets. To
   account for branching\-time semantics, the traces are
   decorated by structured locations that are also used to
   encode the dynamics of channel mobility in a
   denotational way. We present an original notion of
   split\-equivalence based on elementary trace
   transformations. It is first characterised coinductively
   using the notion of split\-relation. Building on
   the principle of trace normalisation, a more denotational
   characterisation is also proposed. We then exhibit a
   preorder underlying this equivalence and motivate its use as
   a proper refinement operator. At the language level, we show
   refinement to be tightly related to a construct of delayed
   sums, a generalisation of non\-deterministic choices.

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