WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Shared\-Clock Methodology for Time\-Triggered Multi\-Cores
%A Keith F. Athaide, Michael J. Pont, Devaraj Ayavoo
%E Peter H. Welch, S. Stepney, F.A.C Polack, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Alistair A. McEwan, G. S. Stiles, Jan F. Broenink, Adam T. Sampson
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2008
%X The co\-operative design methodology has significant
   advantages when used in safety\-related systems. Coupled
   with the time\-triggered architecture, the methodology can
   result in robust and predictable systems. Nevertheless, use
   of a co\-operative design methodology may not always be
   appropriate especially when the system possesses
   tight resource and cost constraints. Under relaxed
   constraints, it might be possible to maintain a
   co\-operative design by introducing additional software
   processing cores to the same chip. The resultant
   multi\-core microcontroller then requires suitable design
   methodologies to ensure that the advantages of
   time\-triggered co\-operative design are maintained as far
   as possible. This paper explores the application of a
   time\-triggered distributed\-systems protocol, called
   <q>shared\-clock</q>, on an eight\-core
   microcontroller. The cores are connected in a mesh topology
   with no hardware broadcast capabilities and
   three implementations of the shared\-clock protocol are
   examined. The custom multi\-core system and the network
   interfaces used for the study are also described. The
   network interfaces share higher level serialising logic
   amongst channels, resulting in low hardware overhead when
   increasing the number of channels.

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