WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Lazy Cellular Automata with Communicating Processes
%A Adam T. Sampson, Peter H. Welch, Frederick R. M. Barnes
%E Jan F. Broenink, Herman Roebbers, Johan P. E. Sunter, Peter H. Welch, David C. Wood
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2005
%X Cellular automata (CAs) are good examples of systems in
   which large numbers of autonomous entities exhibit emergent
   behaviour.Using the occam\-pi and JCSP communicating process
   systems, we show how to construct
   &\[sh]8220;lazy&\[sh]8221; and
   &\[sh]8220;just\-in\-time&\[sh]8221; models of
   cellular automata, which permit very efficient parallel
   simulation of sparse CA populations on shared\-memory and
   distributed systems.

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