WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

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%T A Comparison of Three MPI Implementations
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%A Brian Vinter, John Markus Bjørndalen
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%E Ian R. East, David Duce, Mark Green, Jeremy M. R. Martin, Peter H. Welch
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2004
%X Various implementations of MPI are becoming available as MPI
   is slowly emerging as the standard API for parallel
   programming on most platforms. The open source
   implementations LAM\-MPI and MPICH are the most widely used,
   while commercial implementations are usually tied to special
   hardware platforms. This paper compares these two
   open\-source MPI\-implementations to one of the commercially
   available implementations, MESH\-MPI from
   MESH\-Technologies. We find that the commercial
   implementation is significantly faster than the open\-source
   implementations, though LAM\-MPI does come out on top in
   some benchmarks.

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