WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T The denotational Semantics of View\-Centric Reasoning
%A Marc L. Smith, Charles E. Hughes, Kyle W. Burke
%E Jan F. Broenink, Gerald H. Hilderink
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2003
%X Both Lawrence’s HCSP [1] and Smith, et al’s VCR [2] (an
   earlier versionappears in [3]) extend CSP [4] with
   representations of truly concurrent events. Previously,VCR
   was described using an operational semantics, while the
   semantics ofHCSP’s Acceptances model, like those of the
   predominant CSP models described byRoscoe [5] (e.g., Traces,
   Failures / Divergences), are denotational. We now present
   adenotational semantics for VCRand, in so doing, propose an
   extension toHCSP (andpossibly other existing CSP models) to
   support View\-Centric Reasoning. This workbrings VCR a step
   closer to being drawn within Hoare and He’s Unifying
   Theories ofProgramming [6] for further comparisons.

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