WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T A Single Chip Solution for Distributed Processing Systems
%A Brian C. O'Neill, P.W. Moore, S. Clark
%E Jan F. Broenink, Gerald H. Hilderink
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2003
%X This paper describes a processor and an inter\-processor
   communications interfaceintegrated on a single chip for use
   in a distributed processing system. The system isbased on
   work of the electronic systems design and parallel
   processing group at theNottingham Trent University. The four
   main elements of the chip design areprocessor, memory,
   communication interface and packet routing switch all
   integratedunto one chip. This design is achieved by the use
   of the ALTERA ARM basedExcalibur system on a programmable
   chip (SOPC) containing an embedded processorand programmable
   logic. The paper describes the communication features
   andimplementation carried out by the research group to
   achieve this single chip processor.

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