WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Successes and Failures: Extending CSP
%A Adrian E. Lawrence
%E Alan G. Chalmers, Majid Mirmehdi, Henk Muller
%B Communicating Process Architectures 2001
%X Standard CSP, timed or untimed, does not include a general
   treatment of priority, although the PRI ALT constructor is
   an essential part of occam and hardware compilation
   languages based upon occam. This is a revised version of the
   original paper which introduced CSPP, an extension of CSP
   incorporating priority. CSPP is defined by a novel
   denotational semantics, Acceptances, based on Successes
   rather than the usual Failures. The idea is to characterise
   a process by what it successfully accepts, rather than by
   what it refuses to do. In the light of experience, it might
   better have been called \[rs]Responses\[rs]. The original
   Acceptances was exploratory, and tried to avoid constraining
   the sorts of systems, particularly circuits, that could be
   described. Experience has shown that it can be substantially
   simplified at very little cost. A new notation makes it much
   easier to follow, especially for the non specialist. This
   revision of the original introduction presents the
   simplified CSPP while retaining most of the motivational
   material. It is intended to have something of a tutorial
   flavour: three other papers, are more condensed, and deal
   with more technical matters. But the core semantics is
   common to all four. CSPP provides a rigorous comprehensible
   and simple foundation for compositional hardware\-software
   codesign. HCSP is a further extension which includes extra
   facilities needed to describe certain circuits. And a
   further radical extension lifts the usual restrictions of
   timed CSP, and describes continuous analogue phenomena. CSPP
   was first presented informally at the Twente WoTUG\-\-20
   technical meeting.

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