WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

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%T A Distributed Real Time Java System Based on CSP
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%A Gerald H. Hilderink, Jan F. Broenink, André W. P. Bakkers
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%E Barry M. Cook
%B Proceedings of WoTUG\-22: Architectures, Languages and Techniques for Concurrent Systems
%X Real\-time embedded systems in general require a reliability
   that is orders ofmagnitude higher than what is presently
   obtainable with state of the art C programs. Thereason for
   the poor reliability of present day software is the
   unavailability of a formalismto design sequential C
   programs.The use of the CSP channel concept not only
   provides a formal base for inherentlyconcurrent real\-time
   embedded system design it also adds a parallel dimension to
   objectoriented programming that is easily understood by
   programmers.The CSP channels as implemented in Java replaces
   the hazardous use of multi threadedprogramming with an
   unambiguous design concept that is easy to reason about.
   Multithreaded programming is completely removed from the
   programmer who is merelyrequired to program small sequential
   tasks that communicate with each other via theseCSP
   channels. The channel concept that has been implemented in
   Java deals with singleandmulti processor environments and
   also takes care of the real\-time priority
   schedulingrequirements. For this, the notion of priority and
   scheduling have been carefullyexamined and as a result it
   was reasoned that both priority and scheduling code should
   beattached to the communicating channels rather than to the
   processes. Moreover in theproposed system, the notion of
   scheduling is no longer connected to the operating systembut
   has become part of the application instead. One has to get
   used to the idea that manyschedulers may be running in
   different parts of a program. The software implementationof
   the Java channel class may be obtained through:

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