WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T HCSP: Extending CSP for Codesign and Shared Memory
%A Adrian E. Lawrence
%E Peter H. Welch, André W. P. Bakkers
%B Proceedings of WoTUG\-21: Architectures, Languages and Patterns for Parallel and Distributed Applications
%X HCSP is a variant of CSP adapted to capture the semantics of
   hardware compilation, among other purposes. It extends CSP
   in several ways; it includes priority; events can be
   combined; new synchronization constructors are introduced;
   and state is explicitly modelled. Including state permits
   the treatment of shared memory as well as message passing
   systems. A possible denotational semantics is included here
   ths allowing proper treatment of such systems. Although most
   of these extensions were motivated by the needs of hardware
   compilation, HCSP can be applied more widely including
   software and thus can form the foundation of a codesign
   language. HCSP is an extension of CSPP; familiarity of CSPP
   is assumed here.

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