WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T Parallel Scan Line algorithm for Hidden Surface Elimination
%A Julian C. Highfield
%E Janet Edwards
%B Proceedings of WoTUG\-14: Occam and the Transputer\-Current Developments
%X With the general availability of general purpose parallel
   computers, there is a need to reconsider scan conversion
   algorithms with respect to their parallel implementation.
   This paper considers MIMD parallel implementation of two
   versions of the scan conversion algorithm, one the common
   edge table optimisation, and one not. Their suitability for
   parallel implementation is investigated and their relative
   performance in multi\-processor systems is measured using
   polygonal scene descriptions of between 150 and 2600
   polygons. Dependence upon the size of scene description is
   measured and results are extrapolated to larger scene
   descriptions. It is shown that scan conversion algorithms
   may be efficiently parallelised. It is also shown that the
   edge table optimisation, while appropriate to the single
   processor case, becomes useless at around twenty processors,
   and would actually be a disadvantage in the limiting case of
   one processor per scan line.

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