WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T High performance event and I/O handling on the transputer
%A R. G. Harley, D. C. Levy, A. W. M. Hemme, M. R. Webster
%E Hussein S. M. Zedan
%B OUG\-13: Real\-Time Systems with Transputers
%X If transputers are to be used in high performance control
   applications it is essential that the I/O and event handling
   capabilities of the transputer are well understood. This
   requires insight into the hardware architecture and the low
   level language (guy code) of the transputer. The interface
   between the transputer executing the corresponding control
   process, and the external event generating devices can be
   divided into two main processes, namely interrupt or event
   handling and the I/O or data handling. For maximum
   performance these processes must be handled as quickly and
   efficiently as possible. Some of the issues involved in
   using occam to establish an interrupt handler are discussed
   in [1]. This paper extends that work to show how better
   performance and multiple event handling can be obtained
   efficiently. Several methods of achieving this real world
   interface are examined and, based on an actual design, the
   paper concludes with some recommendations to make the event
   handler more efficient.

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