WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T A Distributed Logic Programming Language and its Implementation on Transputer Networks
%A José A. Cardoso Cunha, Pedro A. Duarte Medeiros, Luis M. Pereira
%E Stephen J. Turner
%B OUG\-12: Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications
%X Currently there is a trend towards the development of
   programming tools and mechanisms for the support of
   heterogeneous multi\-agent systems on paralell computer
   architectures. This paper presents a contribution to this
   area, as far as logic programming on a distributed execution
   environment is concerned. We discuss the main issues on the
   design and implementation of the logic programming language
   Delta Prolog [2] [3] [6] [7] [11], extending Prolog with
   constructs for concurrency and communication. The work
   described is one of the research components of a project on
   the development of mechanisms for parallel logic programming
   support on parallel architectures, currently running in this
   University [8].

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