WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

%T A parallel semantic net engine and its application to data modeling
%A Y. N. Lee
%E Stephen J. Turner
%B OUG\-12: Tools and Techniques for Transputer Applications
%X Although the use of Fourth Generation Languages has greatly
   increased the efficiency of the system development process,
   the validation of system specifications is still considered
   to be complicated and time\-consuming. A "Parallel
   Semantic Net Engine (PSNE)" has been developed as
   part of a research project carried out in the Department of
   Computer Science at Exeter University to investigate into
   this area. This project was initiated by a software house,
   Softwright Systems Ltd., which has made extensive use of
   Fourth Generation Languages.The purpose of this project was
   to construct an engine which would be fast enough to
   validate a system specification in realtime, giving
   immediate feedback to the user when constraints are
   violated. The areas of knowledge representation and parallel
   processing were explored. A Parallel Semantic Net Engine was
   proposed in order to take advantage of the richness of
   semantic networks in representing complicated relationships
   and the power of transputers in speeding up the processing.
   Figure 1 shows the general model of the PSNE.The model is
   distributed over of a host PC and a network of transputers.
   On the PC side, there are the application generator,
   generated applications and a standard relational database
   which stores the application data. A front\-end would be
   developed running on the PC to act as the gateway for data
   passing between the PC and the transputers.

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