WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{T}echniques for rendering solid objects on a processor farm",
  author= "Dew, Peter M. and Holliman, Nick and Morris, David and Pennington, Alan de",
  editor= "Askew, Charlie",
  pages = "153--168",
  booktitle= "{OUG}-9: {O}ccam and the {T}ransputer -- {R}esearch and {A}pplications",
  isbn= "90 5199 010 3",
  year= "1988",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "Collaborative research by Leeds University and the IBM UK
     Scientific Centre has resulted in an experimental parallel
     solid modeller called MISTRAL, based on the Constructive
     Solid Geometry (CSG) representation of solid objects. This
     paper gives an overview of the CSG rendering algorithms
     implemented in MISTRAL, a description of the MISTRAL
     modeller itself, and describes how several different kinds
     of parallelism may be exploited using a processor farm. It
     concludes by discussing some of the issues involved in
     writing complex parallel programs in OCCAM2."

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