WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{S}calable {P}erformance for {S}cala {M}essage-{P}assing {C}oncurrency",
  author= "Bate, Andrew",
  editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Barnes, Frederick R. M. and Broenink, Jan F. and Chalmers, Kevin and Pedersen, Jan Bækgaard and Sampson, Adam T.",
  pages = "113--132",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2013",
  isbn= "978-0-9565409-7-3",
  year= "2013",
  month= "nov",
  abstract= "This paper presents an embedded domain-specific language for
     building massively concurrent systems. In particular, we
     demonstrate how ultra-lightweight cooperatively-scheduled
     processes and message-passing concurrency can be provided
     for the Scala programming language on the Java Virtual
     Machine (JVM). We make use of a well-known
     continuation-passing style bytecode transformation in
     order to achieve performance that is several orders of
     magnitude higher than native JVM threads. Our library is
     capable of scaling to millions of processes and messages on
     a single virtual machine instance, and our runtime system
     will detect deadlock should it occur. Message-passing is
     over 100 times faster than Erlang, and context switching is
     1000 times faster than native Java threads. In benchmarks,
     the performance of our library is close to compiled code."

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