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Paper Details

  title = "{A}utomatic {H}andel-{C} {G}eneration from {MATLAB}® and {S}imulink® for {M}otion {C}ontrol with an {FPGA}",
  author= "Rem, Bart and Gopalakrishnan, Ajeesh and Geelen, Tom J. H. and Roebbers, Herman",
  editor= "Broenink, Jan F. and Roebbers, Herman and Sunter, Johan P. E. and Welch, Peter H. and Wood, David C.",
  pages = "43--69",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2005",
  isbn= "978-1-58603-561-7",
  year= "2005",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "In this paper, we demonstrate a structured approach to
     proceed from development in a high level-modeling
     environment to testing on the real hardware. The concept is
     introduced by taking an example scenario that involves
     automatic code generation of Handel-C for FPGAs. The entire
     process is substantiated with a prototype that generates
     Handel-C code from MATLAB®/Simulink® for most common
     Simulink® blocks. Furthermore, we establish the potential
     of the notion by generating Handel-C for an FPGA, which
     controls the flow of paper through the scanning section of a
     printer/copier. Additionally, we present another method to
     generate Handel-C from a state-based specification. Finally,
     to verify and validate the behavior of the generated code,
     we execute several levels of simulation, including
     software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop simulations."

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