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Paper Details

  title = "{A} {C}omparison of {H}igh {P}erformance, {P}arallel {C}omputing {J}ava {P}ackages",
  author= "Schaller, Nan C. and Marshall, Sidney W. and Cho, Yu-Fong",
  editor= "Broenink, Jan F. and Hilderink, Gerald H.",
  pages = "1--16",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2003",
  isbn= "1 58603 381 6",
  year= "2003",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "The high-performance computing community has developed
     numerous Java packages that support parallel and distributed
     computing. Most of these packages are designed for the
     typical parallel message passing and shared memory
     architectural paradigms. This paper presents the results of
     a recent study that included a web search for such packages,
     describes the paradigms implemented in them, and evaluates
     their performance on a parallel, 4-processor SMP machine
     using three benchmark programs that represent a mix of
     typical parallel applications, chosen from The Java Grande
     Benchmark Suite. A brief description of each package and a
     discussion its ease of installation and use are also

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