WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{A} {C}ommunicating {T}hreads {C}ase {S}tudy: {JIWY}",
  author= "Broenink, Jan F. and Hilderink, Gerald H. and Jovanovic, Dusko S.",
  editor= "Pascoe, James S. and Loader, Roger J. and Sunderam, Vaidy S.",
  pages = "311--320",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2002",
  isbn= "1 58603 268 2",
  year= "2002",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "We strive to allow a control system designer the power of
     designing control computer code concurrently and generating
     it efficiently, in spite of her or his lack of skills in
     software engineering. This is important for many reasons.
     Nowdays, it is impossible to separate control engineering
     from software engineering. There is no way of implementing
     control strategies other than to transform them into
     computer code for the chosen processing target. Usually,
     there are not so many general-purpose programmers available
     in control engineering research teams in companies and
     universities. In these cases, software development
     techniques suffer from insufficient knowledge in disciplines
     of software modelling, concurrency, reusability and testing.
     This paper develops a case study whose solution is based
     upon the CSP principles supported by the Communicating
     Threads libraries developed at Twente and argues why the
     techniques are accessible to non-computing-specialist
     control engineers."

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