WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  title = "{W}orking towards a successor to occam",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  author= "East, Ian R.",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  editor= "Chalmers, Alan G. and Mirmehdi, Majid and Muller, Henk",
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
  pages = "231--242",
  booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2001",
  isbn= "1 58603 202 X",
  year= "2001",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "occam [1] offers features and attributes that make it unique
     among programming languages, particularly in the ease and
     security with which one may program concurrency. After a
     brief summary of occam's strengths, possible additional
     features are discussed, including recursion, source code
     modularity, exception response, and the automatic avoidance
     of deadlock. Consideration is then given to the inclusion of
     passive ('data') objects and the possibility of their
     movement between processes. Transfer primitives are
     proposed, alongside assignment and communication. Discussion
     is presented with regard to the potential for a new
     programming language, building on occam, while preserving
     its security and simplicity."

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