WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{C}ommunicating {T}hreads for {J}ava",
  author= "Broenink, Jan F. and Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P. and Hilderink, Gerald H.",
  editor= "Cook, Barry M.",
  pages = "243--262",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-22: {A}rchitectures, {L}anguages and {T}echniques for {C}oncurrent {S}ystems",
  isbn= "90 5199 480 X",
  year= "1999",
  month= "mar",
  abstract= "The Java * thread model provides support for multithreading
     within the language and runtime system of Java. The Java
     synchronization and scheduling strategy is poorly specified
     and turns out to be of unsatisfactory real-time performance.
     The idea of Java is to let the underlying operating system
     specify the synchronization and scheduling principles. This
     may possibly result in different behavior on different
     operating systems whereas Sun claims Java to be system
     independent – \"write once, run everywhere\". In
     this paper we present a comprehensive specification for a
     new thread model for the Java platform.The theory of CSP
     fully specifies the behavior of synchronization and
     scheduling of threads at a higher level of abstraction,
     which is based on processes, compositions and
     synchronization primitives. The CSP concept is well
     thought-out and has been proven to be successful for
     realizing concurrent software for real-time and embedded
     systems. The Communicating Threads for Java (CTJ) packages
     that is presented in the paper provides a reliable
     CSP/thread model for Java. The CTJ software is available
     from our URL http://www.rt.el.utwente.nl/javapp."

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