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Paper Details@InProceedings{Verhulst97,title = "{B}eyond transputing : fully distributed semantics in {V}irtuoso's {V}irtual {S}ingle {P}rocessor programming model and it's implementation on of-the-shelf parallel {DSP}s.", author= "Verhulst, Eric", editor= "Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P.", pages = "77--86", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-20: {P}arallel {P}rogramming and {J}ava", isbn= "90 5199 336 6", year= "1997", month= "mar", abstract= "Virtuoso Classico /VSP is a fully distributed real-time operating system originally developed on the INMOS transputer. Its generic architecture is based on a small but very fast nanokernel and a portable preemptive microkernel. It was further on ported in single and virtual single processor implementations to a wide range of processors. As the basis of any real-time application is a scheduler that allows the developer to use the minimum schedule to satisfy the real-time requirements, a number of derived Virtuoso tools have been developed with complementary functionalities. This paper describes the rationale for developing the distributed semantics of Virtuoso's microkernel and describes some of the implementation issues. The analysis is based on the parallel DSP implementations as these push the performance limits most for hard real-time applications. The Virtuoso tools are being ported and further developed in the DIPSAP-II and EURICO OMI/Esprit projects." } |
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