WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{O}ptimum {T}ransputer {C}onfigurations for {R}eal {A}pplications {R}equiring {G}lobal {C}ommunication",
  author= "Burgess, Colin J. and Chalmers, Alan G.",
  editor= "Nixon, Patrick",
  pages = "75--85",
  booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-18: {T}ransputer and occam {D}evelopments",
  isbn= "90 5199 222 X",
  year= "1995",
  month= "mar",
  abstract= "If complex problems are to be solved in reasonable
     computation times, then large scale parallel processing is
     necessary. For many of these problems, the density of the
     global communications dominated the performance of the
     parallel implementation. In these cases, the design of the
     interconnection network for the processors is known to play
     a significant part in the efficient implementation of
     problems on a large T800 transputer systems. This paper
     presents a new genetic algorithm for generating optimal
     configurations, augmented by simulated annealing for
     selected refinement of difficult cases. These configurations
     have the further advantage that they satisfy the best known
     criteria for producing configurations that perform well on
     real applications. The paper concludes by describing the
     impact this might have on the design of future T9000
     transputer configurations."

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